The Kardashians season 5 aired a brand new episode on May 30, 2024. During the latest episode, Kim and Kourtney recalled their feud revolving around the former's collaboration with Dolce and Gabbana which was heavily featured in season 3 of the Hulu show.
In season 5, they addressed the situation and said that people often forget they're sisters. While talking to the cameras, Kourtney chimed in and said:
"Kim and I are great. Everything's back to normal. We get along, we really connect over the kids. I can't even believe that a second of energy was wasted on that."
She added that after watching the show, fans often wonder how the sisters are going to "get through it" and pick sides:
"I'm sure a lot of people have had crazy fights with their siblings. Maybe ours are more extreme, I'm not sure."
The Kardashians - Kourtney reveals she didn't know about heated exchange with Kim was filmed in previous season
While talking to her friends in the latest episode, Kourtney brought up the Instagram post that Kim shared about the baby shower featured in The Kardashians season 5 episode 1. She said that people thought they hated one another. This prompted a conversation about the two getting into a huge argument in the previous season about Kim's collaboration with Dolce and Gabbana.
In season 3, Kim told Kourtney that she and their other sisters had a private group chat titled, 'Not Kourtney'. At the time, Kourtney called Kim a "witch" and said that she hated The Kardashians star. Later in the season, the two sat down and discussed the situation, but a majority of the season revolved around their feud.
In the latest episode of the Hulu show, Kourtney explained that she didn't know that the infamous phone call was recorded. She said that although she didn't know, she had a feeling and initially wasn't comfortable with it being in the final edit but realized it was "too good" to not be used.
Kim Kardashian also chimed in on the situation and said that there was a misconception that the two hated one another. She said:
"The thing about Kourtney and I, no matter how crazy things are, no matter what's going on, if she needs something I'm there, if I need something, she's there. We'll always be that way no matter what we're going through."
Kim and Kourtney's Dolce and Gabbana feud explained
In The Kardashians season 3, Kim and Kourtney's feud took center stage. While fans had seen the two at daggers drawn several times in the past, their latest feud seemed bigger than ever. In an episode, Kim explained that her mother had known Dolce & Gabbana for a long time and the duo had repeatedly asked her to do a book together.
She explained:
"Kourtney and Travis just worked with Dolce and that was her whole vibe of her wedding. Then after the wedding, I got a call saying they wanted me to creative direct their fashion show in Milan. I think this is such a good opportunity that I don't want to pass this up."
However, the collaboration didn't sit well with Kourtney, who felt Kim was trying to steal ideas from her wedding. During an episode of The Kardashians season 3, Kourtney said that it was more than about business. She added that Kim's work was taking precedence over hurting Kourtney and that her sister was copying everything she did with Dolce & Gabbana.
Kourtney felt that Kim should have checked in with her before saying yes to the opportunity but Kim didn't think she needed her "permission." The SKIMS founder said at the time that she thought she was being "really mindful" of Kourtney's feelings.
Episodes of The Kardashians season 5 air weekly on Thursdays on Hulu.