Love Never Lies: South Africa premiered on Netflix on November 29, 2024, bringing a sizzling dose of drama to the reality dating scene. Hosted by Minenhle 'Minnie' Dlamini, the series featured six couples on a mission to mend their relationships and claim a cash prize.
The Love Never Lies: South Africa contestants put their love to the ultimate test as they faced a challenging separation from their partners. In the reunion episode released on December 8, 2024, all the couples shared updates on their relationship and personal lives. Host Minnie Dlamini asked Wilfred and Clayton about the status of their relationship.
Clayton revealed they were not formally engaged yet, but had decided to move in together and relocate to Johannesburg. The rest of the cast applauded in celebration of the couple's progress.
"Yeah. So we've been saying an Airbnb for like a week. We still looking for apartments and stuff like that. But as for now, we are feeling the vibe of Johannesburg," stated Clayton.
Love Never Lies: South Africa star Clayton doesn't want to give Wilfred a Home Affairs wedding
Minnie inquired about their experience in Johannesburg, and Clayton shared that they had been staying in an Airbnb for a week while searching for a permanent apartment. He expressed their excitement about exploring the city and its vibe. Minnie then presented a video montage of the couple's farewell to Cape Town, prompting a nostalgic reaction from Wilfred and Clayton.
Minnie presented a video montage of Clayton and Wilfred's farewell to Cape Town on Love Never Lies: South Africa reunion. The footage, recorded by the couple, showed Clayton packing up for their move to Johannesburg. Clayton expressed his excitement, stating they had worked hard to make this moment happen.
Wilfred, on the other hand, shared his sentimental feelings about leaving Cape Town. Clayton and Wilfred eventually reunited, and they shared a heartfelt goodbye to their old life. As they departed for Johannesburg, they exclaimed in unison, eager to start their new life together.
Minnie noted that moving in together was a significant step, often preceding a more permanent commitment. She inquired about the couple's plans for engagement. Wilfred explained that financial stability was a priority for both of them, especially as they started their new life in Johannesburg. He hinted that an engagement might be on the horizon within the next year.
"I feel like both of us deserve the type of wedding we've imagined. Especially Wilfred is a very over-the-top person. I don't want to give him a Home Affairs wedding," stated Clayton.
Minnie inquired about the issues Clayton and Wilfred had faced, specifically Clayton's infidelity on Love Never Lies: South Africa. Wilfred had previously stated that he had forgiven Clayton, and Minnie asked if this issue had resurfaced in the past year.
Clayton acknowledged that he had to learn to prioritize Wilfred's feelings and put his people-pleasing tendencies aside. He recognized that his actions, although unintentional, had hurt Wilfred in the past.
Minnie brought up Clayton's flirtation with Simo on the show, asking what had been going on during that time. Clayton admitted that he was still a work in progress and that his interactions with Simo were a reflection of his old self. However, he emphasized that he had grown and learned from his mistakes.
Wilfred confirmed that Clayton had made significant changes and proved himself to be committed to their relationship. Minnie asked Wilfred about his experience watching the show back, and he admitted that it was difficult to relive those moments.
On Love Never Lies: South Africa reunion, Minnie noted that Clayton and Wilfred's relationship was an example of how people can work through infidelity and come out stronger. Clayton revealed that he had no contact with Simo since the show and had made a conscious decision to distance himself from someone who had caused Wilfred pain.
"I've just also decided that for Wilfred feelings, I don't want to entertain someone that he saw me flirting with. I don't think it would make him feel good," revealed Clayton.
Love Never Lies: South Africa reunion was released on December 8.