Love Is Blind Mexico, a Netflix original, released its first four episodes on August 1, 2024. The show has invited singles from Mexico to find their true connection, but with a catch. The couples interact via pods, and when they finally find the one, they meet in person and get engaged with each other. Chema and Silvia have shown mutual affection towards each other since day 1. The couple finally met and got engaged in episode 3.
Chema had been feeling a great connection with Silvia and Alejandra from the first episode. He believed both possessed a natural affinity towards their family, which seemed an internal part of Chema's life as well. But after long deliberation, Chema chose Silvia to go forward with and explore the bond.
Silvia was sure about Chema as soon she met him in the pod. Although Chema and Alejandra did share a plausible connection, it did not hinder Silvia's feelings towards Chema in any way. She said during a confessional:
"Seeing Alejandra crying does not affect me at all. So, I am not feeling worried about the situation."
Chema proposed to Silvia in episode 3 of Love Is Blind Mexico
In episode 3 of Love Is Blind Mexico, Chema proposes to Silvia, taking their relationship to the next level. This was a significant moment as Chema had been struggling to choose between Silvia and Alejandra. He appeared confident and ready to meet Alejandra in the pod and inform her about his final decision.
Before entering the pod he said:
"Today I feel complete, I feel happy, I feel very confident and I am gonna take the plunge."
Chema very graciously thanked Alejandra for her letter and the gift that Alejandra made for Anto, his kid. Chema then confessed that after everything that has happened, and thinking a lot over it, he felt a stronger connection to the other pod with Silvia.
He even proposed friendship to Alejandra, to which she replied with a 'NO', emphasizing that "he will come back to her."
Chema then waited in the pod for Silvia to join him next. She seemed confident while walking towards the pod and expressed:
"I have given it everything I have got, and if likes what I have given, that will be amazing."
The moment of truth for Silvia and Chema in Love Is Blind Mexico
Chema finally confessed his love to Silvia and proposed to her with a handwritten letter. His proposal did build up Silvia's anticipation as seen in episode 3, Love Is Blind Mexico as he played a little joke before ultimately putting up the big question to Silvia - "Will she marry him?"
The letter read:
"Dear Silvi, I want to thank you for returning me with the will to love. I promise to love you, care for you, and protect you for our whole life together. With much love, from my Mickey."
The two joked about his handwriting. Silvia expressed her happiness, both excited to see each other the next day.
Episode 3 of Love Is Blind Mexico marked their meeting. Chema and Silvia are prepared to encounter each other in person.
Chema, before meeting Silvia, said:
" The truth is, I am really nervous right now because I am very picky when it comes to a woman's physical appearance. So, let's see if I get my heart broken or not."
Silvia also expressed her feelings:
" I am super nervous. My heart is beating so fast I don't know what is happening."
The doors eventually opened, and they saw each other for the first time. Both found each other gorgeous.
After a long wait and conversation, Chema got down on his knees and proposed to her with a ring for marriage, to which Silvia, unsurprisingly, said, 'yes'.
Episodes 1-4 of Love Is Blind Mexico are available on Netflix. The next batch of four episodes will be released on Thursday, August 8, 2024.