Love is Blind Mexico premiered on August 1, 2024, with the first four episodes. Then, episodes 5-8 aired on August 8, ending with a trailer for the upcoming finale episodes (9-10). Since its release, the show has hooked viewers with each couple's journey to finding love in the pods.
Following an identical format to the US version, this spinoff series focuses on contestants finding a deep meaningful connection by removing the physical attraction element from dating. Once the couples are engaged, only then they can come face to face. It's a challenge for them to see if their relationship works out in the real world with all the distractions, family issues, and career commitments.
The trailer depicts couples who are engaged and have made it so far, including:
- Silvia Delgado and Chema Rivera
- Fernanda Riva Palacio and Gerardo Zapiain
- Karen Torales and Fernando Hernandez
Meanwhile, the situation between Francesca Oettler and Willy Solomon is still complicated. The upcoming episodes 9 and 10, set to air on August 15, will reveal whether these couples want to stay with each other. The official Love is Blind Mexico season 1 synopsis reads as the following:
"These singles have to put a ring on it... without ever seeing one another. The Emmy-nominated experiment that ponders if love is blind arrives in Mexico."
3 main highlights from Love is Blind Mexico episodes 9 and 10 trailer
1) Breakups and arguments
According to the Love is Blind Mexico episodes 9 and 10 trailer, the engaged couples still have arguments and verbal fights a few days before the wedding. Viewers can sense some tension between Fernanda Riva Palacio, 36, and Gerardo Zapiain, 33 after Fernanda declares in a statement that they are "over."
Fernanda narrates what happened to her family member, implying that Gerardo "tricked" her. The Netflix Mexico reality TV star says:
"I asked him today. 'Did you trick me'?
In another scene, Francesca Oettler and Willy Solomon get into a heated argument.
2) Heartfelt moments
Love is in the air as couples discuss their future plans, gear up for the wedding preparations, and celebrate with their families. A sweet moment between Fernanda Riva Palacio and Gerardo Zapiain is captured in the trailer where Gerardo sings for his soon-to-be wife.
Silvia Delgado and Chema Rivera share a toast to their future full of surprises. In one of the scenes from the Love is Blind Mexico trailer, Willy can be seen admitting that he wants to settle down and start a family one day. He says:
"I'm happy to see you like this. I want to build a family together. and it's important to me you know that."
3) The wedding day
With the wedding day just around the corner, the Love is Blind Mexico couples are ready to go to the altar and announce their final decision. Their answer would be the most highly anticipated revelation this season.
As showcased in the teaser, the soon-to-be-married couples have a bachelorette party in celebration of such a milestone. The final day will reveal if love is truly blind. In the trailer background (narration), one of the cast members confesses that he can't wait for their wedding day to arrive:
"From the moment I've tried on that suite not a day's gone by that I've stopped dreaming of when I'll say I do."
Don't forget to stream Love is Blind Mexico exclusively on Netflix on Thursday, August 15, 2024.