Love Is Blind Mexico premiered its first season on August 1, 2024, and the first four episodes are available to stream exclusively on Netflix. The show's concept is that singles enter the pods hoping to form a connection for life with other singles in the experiment.
The twist is that the participants are not allowed to see each other physically, as there is a wall between them when they go on a date to get to know each other and connect emotionally.
By the end of episode 4, five couples had been formed: Gerardo and Fernanda, Chema and Silvia, Willy and Francesca, Leti and Saul, and Fernando and Karen. Other than these 10 participants, others featured in the first season of Love Is Blind Mexico.
Cast members of Love Is Blind Mexico
Omar Chaparro
Omar Chaparro is the co-host of Love Is Blind Mexico, along with his wife, Lucy Chaparro. Omar is known for his work as an actor, comedian, singer, and television host and is a renowned figure in the entertainment industry.
Lucy Chaparro
Co-hosting the show with her husband of over two decades, Lucy Chaparro is known for being active on social media and has over 367,000 followers on Instagram as of writing this article.
Alejandra Caletti
Alejandra Caletti is a 28-year-old opera singer who is seeking love in season 1 of Love Is Blind Mexico. Her pursuit brought her closer to Chema throughout the opening episodes and ended up going home when Chema chose Silvia over her.
Chema Rivera
36-year-old Chema Rivera is an entrepreneur who is looking for a partner and a mother for his daughter. He connected with Alejandra and Silvia in the show and eventually chose Silvia to be her partner.
Daniel Behar
DJ and entrepreneur by profession, the 33-year-old has 3 chihuahuas who constantly pee on his sofa. He failed to connect with any of the participants in the show.
Fernanda Riva Palacio
Fernanda, an architect in the real world, is 36 years old and made a connection with Gerardo on the show. Gerardo chose Mafer over her, in episode 1, but decided to change his decision and proposed to Fernanda. They both said yes to each other and ended up as a couple.
Fernando Hernandez
The 27-year-old operations manager was a popular choice among the ladies even when the participants weren't able to see each other. He connected with Rocio, Irais, and Karen in the show, but eventually leaned towards Karen.
Francesca Oettler
Francesca is an indoor cycling coach and is 27 years old. She finds her connection in Willy and eventually end up together by episode 4. She also proclaimed to know Chema from before the show.
Gerardo Zapiain
Gerardo is a 33-year-old musician by trade who found love in the pods in Fernanda. He also connected with Mafer in the show but eventually chose Fernanda and got engaged.
Irais Ramirez
The 30-year-old attorney appeared frequently in the earlier episodes of the show as she connected with Fernando. She was eventually sent home after some miscommunication resulted in Fernando choosing Karen over her.
Karen Torales
The 27-year-old financial advisor broke up with her ex-boyfriend after accidentally finding out that he was homosexual. Karen makes a strong bond with Fernando on Love Is Blind Mexico and they both propose to each other leading to their engagement.
Leticia Floresmeyer
The 35-year-old communications specialist deals with ADHD. Admitting to the diagnosis being a hindrance in her pursuit of love, she gets engaged to Saul on the show.
Luis Fer Campos
Luis is a 28-year-old entrepreneur and creative director who admitted to often wearing a skirt when he goes outside. He failed to make a connection with any of the participants in Love Is Blind Mexico.
Mafer Trujillo
29-year-old Mafer is a marketing director and entered the pods of Love Is Blind Mexico in hopes of finding someone taller than her. She ends up in a love triangle with Gerardo and Fernanda but eventually gets dumped.
Pamela Torrens
The 26-year-old is an entrepreneur who wants to get married by the end of this experiment. She failed to make any connection in the show and went home without a partner.
Rene Angeles
Rene is a 34-year-old doctor who has a hard time trusting people and came on the show to overcome that fear. In the show, he tried to connect with Irais who was interested in Fernando. But when Fernando decided to choose Karen he also recommended Rene to Irais. They failed to make a connection and went home without a partner.
Rocio Mirafuentes
Rocio is a 36-year-old human development professor who went on multiple dates with Fernando on Love Is Blind Mexico. She misunderstood Irais words when all the girls gathered and thought Fernando proposed to Irais. The misunderstanding got cleared up but Fernando eventually chose Karen and Rocio went home empty-handed.
Saul Reyes
Saul is a 35-year-old single dad whose priority is his 14-year-old daughter. Saul made a connection with Karen initially, but the conversation took a wrong turn when the topic of physical intimacy came up. Saul proposed to Leti through a game of chess and they both got engaged.
Silvia Delgado
The 30-year-old is a model by profession who wants to find the right person to spend her life with. She connected with Chema and eventually got engaged with him.
Willy Salomon
The 34-year-old advertising salesman joined Love is Blind Mexico hoping to find love and learn to be a good communicator when talking to the different women in the pods. He also thinks that having a positive attitude reigns supreme above physical appearance all the time.
Episodes 5-8 of Love Is Blind Mexico will air on August 8, 2024, on Netflix.