Love is Blind Mexico premiered on August 1, 2024. The spinoff series introduced viewers to the new contestants participating in the dating social experiment. This Netflix show encourages contestants to follow a different route to finding a love match by excluding traditional methods such as physical attraction.
One of the cast members on the show, Chema, admitted to usually looking at people's appearances and then getting to know them. Love is Blind Mexico was a perfect opportunity for him to establish a genuine connection with someone. He instantly found himself drawn towards Silvia, and they both liked the connection they were forming slowly.
However, when Chema told Silvia he had a daughter, Silvia had her concerns and doubts which were later clarified. Chema explained his past relationships and what he looks for in a partner.
Love is Blind Mexico episode 1, titled The Experiment Begins, premiered exclusively on Netflix on August 1, 2024. The episode synopsis reads:
"The singles arrive at their lounges and toast to love with hosts Lucy and Omar Chaparro. Then, they head to the pods to meet their possible soulmates."
Silvia had some "doubts" after Chema revealed he had a daughter on Love is Blind Mexico episode 1
On Love is Blind Mexico episode 1, Chema shared that tough times in life made him question if he ever wanted to be committed to someone. Initially, he planned on being a "bachelor" for the rest of his life but later decided otherwise. After some time, Chema was willing to fall in love and settle down. While having this conversation with Silvia, Chema asked if he had told her about his daughter. He said:
"Around three years ago, I decided I wasn't gonna fall in love. I was gonna be a bachelor for the rest of my life. I planned to travel the world and spoil my nieces and nephews. But now... did I tell you I have a daughter?"
Silvia was surprised to hear that, and she asked Chema to tell her more about her relationship with his ex. Chema shared that his daughter's mother wasn't his ex-girlfriend and that they were dating other people. Then Silvia asked if having a kid "wasn't enough" of a reason for him to get married.
The Love is Blind Mexico contestant revealed he was looking for love, someone who would fall for him based on his personality and not appearance.
During her confessional interview, Silvia shared that Chema and his daughter were a "whole package" if she were to commit to him. She said:
"He told me he has a daughter and now I have my doubts because it's not just him. They're a whole package."
Silvia thanked Chema for opening up about this. Chema said he felt comfortable enough to bring up his past and told her he was glad to get to know her.
It now remains to be seen if the two can establish a strong bond in the pods or if there will be a potential love triangle between them by a new cast member addition.
Stream Love is Blind Mexico exclusively on Netflix. Fans can also follow the two cast members on Instagram.