Love Is Blind UK, the British spin-off of the popular Netflix dating reality series, premiered with its first four episodes on August 7, 2024. The show follows the same concept as its American predecessor, where participants arrive in the pods to find their life partner as they try to form an emotional connection with other participants without being able to see each other.
With the first batch of episodes released, five couples were able to form a lasting connection and got engaged. The couples who got engaged and flew to Corfu, Greece for the honeymoon phase were Catherine and Freddie, Demi and Ollie, Jasmine and Bobby, Maria and Tom, and Sabrina and Steven.
The show is hosted by the real-life couple Matt and Emma Willis who are known for their work in the entertainment industry as a singer-songwriter and broadcaster respectively. Love Is Blind UK will release the next batch of episodes (5-9) on August 14, and the final episodes on August 21.
Love is Blind UK: Demi-Ollie, Jasmine-Bobby, and others discuss their first nights together
Catherine and Freddie
Elated to be one of the couples on Love Is Blind UK who traveled to the Greek island, Catherine and Freddie expressed their desire to explore their relationship further and know each other better. The couple had a quiet dinner date in front of their private pool and were able to talk again without having a wall in between them.
When pushed by Freddie about her thoughts of seeing him for the first time, Catherine stated she was pleasantly surprised by his appearance as she had an image of someone "cheeky" because of Freddie's voice.
When pushed on the same by Catherine, Freddie explained he gave in fully to the experiment and tried to have no visual image of her during the experiment.
When discussing the topic of meeting other couples in the resort, Catherine shared her concerns in the confessional interview where she explained that meeting Ollie outside would not be ideal.
"I'm nervous to meet Ollie. We never really got closure... I do feel unsettled going in there seeing him..."
Demi and Ollie
The couple took a sip of champagne and a dip in the pool during their first night together in the honeymoon phase of Love Is Blind UK. Demi couldn't help but keep staring at her partner. She mentioned she would never approach someone who looked like Ollie as she felt out of his league.
Ollie mentioned that he was worried at first if they would have those deep conversations like they did in the pods. He was keen to build on that emotional connection they built during their time in the experiment and felt more attracted to Demi because of that.
Jasmine and Bobby
During their first night together on Love Is Blind UK, Bobby expressed his satisfaction with Jasmine's physical appearance. He went on to ask about Jasmine's thoughts on the same, to which Jasmine explained that she didn't keep any expectations because she didn't want to feel "let down".
She mentioned that she felt lucky after looking at Bobby and was glad to have formed a connection with him even though Bobby wasn't her usual type of guy.
"I love that he's very touchy-feely because I'm extremely touchy-feely. We just gravitate towards each other. It's like magnets," stated Jasmine.
Maria and Tom
Maria and Tom stayed inside the bedroom and fed each other chocolates during their first night in Corfu, Greece. Sharing some good laughs, Maria praised Tom's sense of humor and told him how it was a big factor in her choosing him.
Maria also expressed that outside the experiment, she was unlikely to go for a 38-year-old, but Tom never made her feel like she was dating one.
"In the real world, I would have seen 38 and thought, 'No, different vibes', but he doesn't act 38, does he? I love that about him, expressed Maria.
Sabrina and Steven
Sabrina and Steven were one of the first couples to get together on the show and they had a date with the stunning view of the mountains and the sea.
Sabrina was elated to have a date with Steven outside the pods of Love Is Blind UK and couldn't wait to spend more time getting to know each other.
After their first night, Sabrina declared that the couple had a physical connection that night and both were happy with the pace at which their relationship was progressing.
Watch the first batch of episodes (1-4) of Love Is Blind UK on Netflix.