Love Is Blind UK premiered its first four episodes on Wednesday, August 7, 2024, to the delight of reality TV fans. The UK version follows the same concept as its previous iterations where 30 participants enter the pods in hopes of finding love and getting married in the near future. The participants are not allowed to see each other and should form an emotional connection beforehand.
By the end of episode 4, five couples got engaged and flew to Corfu, Greece. The final couples are Sabrina and Steven, Jasmine and Bobby, Catherine and Freddie, Maria and Tom, and Demi and Ollie.
Hosted by the real-life couple of Matt and Emma Willis, the next batch of episodes (5-9) will be released on August 14, with another two episodes including the finale, which will be released on August 21.
Love Is Blind UK: What happened in episode 4?
Episode 3 of Love Is Blind UK ended with a cliffhanger about Tom and Natasha, and episode 4 continued from there. Tom showed concerns regarding his feelings towards Natasha as he felt there should be an equal physical and emotional connection between his partner and him.
Natasha couldn't hold back her tears when she confessed that she had never felt the way Tom made her feel despite being behind a wall. Tom who connected more with Maria by that point didn't reciprocate Natasha's feelings and felt it would be a gamble at this point if they decided to get engaged. After saying goodbye, Natasha was still grateful to have met Tom through this journey and understood that his argument had logical reasoning behind it.
Tom had another heartfelt moment in the episode when Maria shared that Tom made it easy for her to open up and communicate. Maria eventually confessed her feelings towards Tom and said "I love you" to him. Tom with tears in his eyes asked Maria's hand for marriage to which she agreed. Later, the couple met for the first time outside the pods of Love Is Blind UK and exchanged rings to confirm their engagement.
On the other hand, Sam and Nicole had built a solid connection in the previous episodes and were preparing to meet for the first time. They had their share of trials and tribulations when Benaiah tried to sabotage their connection and claimed Sam came on Love Is Blind UK to just get the attention and not find love.
Eventually, Sam and Nicole decided to see each other outside the pods. Both of them were visibly nervous because of different reasons. While Sam was nervous about meeting Nicole as she could be his potential future wife who would bear his future children, Nicole had her concerns as she had a previous failed marriage.
"I've been married before, it didn't work out, and I think I lost hope for a little bit. It was very important that the person who I choose to get engaged to is here for the right reasons, and is genuine about their quest to find love," stated Nicole in a confessional.
Sam and Nicole were in disbelief after seeing each other and Nicole accepted Sam's proposal when he got down on one knee. Later in the episode, it was revealed that Nicole and Sam decided to call it quits and not move on to the next phase of the experiment.
Nicole felt a disconnect when she saw Sam and her doubts eventually led to the couple's separation. In the teaser for the next batch of episodes of Love Is Blind UK, Nicole confessed to making a mistake when not choosing Benaiah.
Demi and Ollie's journey in Love Is Blind UK had a similar fate as in the pods as Ollie got down on one knee and read a heartfelt letter to Demi. Demi couldn't hold back her tears and claimed that she would give him "unconditional love."
When it was time for Ollie and Demi to meet, both were nervous about seeing each other for the first time. Ollie, who used to prioritize physical appearance, was happy to have formed an emotional connection. Demi, who usually wears football shorts or sweatpants and likes to eat, dressed up for Ollie for their first encounter.
After sharing a long embrace, Ollie proposed to Demi and they both got engaged on the sets of Love Is Blind UK.
With that, five couples got engaged and flew to Corfu, Greece where they will live life like a normal couple trying to adjust to each other's lifestyle. All the couples were moved to a resort with the amenities of a personal pool, jacuzzi, and private beach view among other things as they spent their first night together alone.
The episode ended with a teaser of what twists and turns will take place between the couples and which one of them will be able to walk the aisle successfully to say the golden words, "I do."
Watch the first four episodes of Love Is Blind UK on Netflix.