Love Is Blind Brazil is one of the spinoff series Netflix has produced for the franchise. The show, which has been a massive hit, has been successfully running for the past three seasons. The new season 4, which aired back on June 19, 2024, introduced the audience to participants who deserved a second chance at love.
All participants had one thing in common: they were previously committed in a serious relationship or were divorced. This was a new approach to the show and the Brazil spin-off adding a new element to the traditional format.
Love is Blind is a social experiment in which contestants bond through their heartfelt conversations in the pods. They can only see their partner once they're engaged. This is done to challenge the traditional methods of dating.
On Love Is Blind Brazil, five couples got engaged but only a few made it in the outside world. Couples Muriel and Kaled, and Vanessa and Leonardo are still together. Meanwhile, Renata and Alexandre consider each other friends and are not in a monogamous relationship. Elsewhere, Ingrid and Leandro, Ariela and Evandro, and Marilia and Patrick, have parted ways mutually.
The couples who made it after Love Is Blind Brazil season 4 reunion
Muriel and Kaled
Love Is Blind Brazil cast members Muriel and Kaled left the show early after they realized their relationship might not work. However, the two still stayed in contact after exiting the pods and surprisingly committed to one another.
The main reason behind their split on the show was their connection not being the same on the honeymoon as it was in the pods. After some time, Muriel and Kaled brought their spark back and had intentions of marrying each other someday.
Vanessa and Leonardo
The Love Is Blind Brazil couple Vanessa and Leonardo instantly connected on the show. This was until Rodrigo Knoeller entered the show and became a part of a messy love triangle. The drama wasn't dragged much and Vanessa realized she wanted to be with Leo. Since then, the two love birds have gotten married and plan on starting their family soon.
Renata and Alexandre
During the Love is Blind Brazil reunion, viewers discovered that Renata and Alexandre's relationship is quite unconventional. Renata shared the two were still very close friends but didn't want to put a label on their strong bond.
They are still with each other but it is an open relationship, as Renata hinted that she and Alex weren't monogamous. Due to the distance factor, the two don't live with each other but are still together.
Meanwhile, Ingrid and Leandro were one of the couples whose relationship ended explosively on the show. Ingrid was upset at the reunion at how Leandro treated her and that they faced issues with physical intimacy.
Ariela and Evandro's connection, on the other hand, ended way sooner than the rest of the couples after Evandro left the show on his own. They are not in contact after the show.
The last Love is Blind Brazil couple Marilia and Patrick are not together either.
To see each couple's journey on the show, stream Love is Blind Brazil exclusively on Netflix.