Love Is Blind: Germany is one of the latest installments of Netflix's Love Is Blind franchise. The German iteration of the reality show premiered on January 3, 2025. The finale, released on January 17, 2025, showed the three remaining couples - Hanni and Daniel, Sally and Medina, and Alina and Ilias - at the altar. However, only one couple agreed to get married.
Hosted by Stephanie "Steffi" Brungs and her husband, Christian Wacker, the show features 30 German singles participating in a social experiment. The contestants meet in pods and have conversations without seeing each other. They rely solely on their conversations to form connections.
Once they decide to get engaged, they meet in person for the first time. The couples then spend four weeks in the real world, including a vacation, living together, and meeting each other's friends and family. The goal is to determine if their bonds can lead to marriage without being influenced by physical appearance.
What happened in Love Is Blind: Germany finale?
The finale of Love Is Blind: Germany picked up with Hanni and Daniel, who expressed some anxiety regarding getting married to each other and saying the magical words "I do." As the wedding officiant introduced the couple and their journey to the loved ones present, Hanni and Daniel recited how they felt about one another.
When the ultimate question was asked about whether they wanted to get married, Hanni expressed her delight in meeting Daniel, but she refused. A distraught Daniel returned to his room, and Hanni soon followed him. Daniel asked Hanni if she really meant what she said.
"I don't want to disappoint you and say yes just becaus eI'm feeling it at that moment at the altar. It should be a 1000% yes," stated Hanni.
Hanni explained that she only wants to get married once and wants to be the best wife possible. She didn't want to disappoint Daniel by saying yes without being completely sure. Daniel then revealed what he would have said if he had been asked again: he said yes.
In another segment of Love Is Blind: Germany, Sally was excited about her wedding day, while Medina expressed that he was feeling multiple emotions due to the occasion. The start of their romantic journey wasn't as ideal as when they first met. Sally felt insecure after Medina laughed while looking at her.
Sally, in a separate confessional, stated that she had "the tendency to turn things on their head" and would like to see how she felt about getting married once she reached the altar. While Sally was joined by her mother and father, Medina was joined by his mother. After exchanging their vows, Sally was asked the ultimate question on Love Is Blind: Germany, which she declined.
Although both shed tears afterward, Medina claimed that this was the end of the experiment, but not the end of their relationship.
"Of course I feel sad. But what I think I'm taking away from this experiment is that it's okay for me to show my feelings," claimed Medina.
The final couple left on Love Is Blind: Germany was Alina and Ilias. Alina felt she had some "residual uncertainty" as Ilias had his head turned multiple times due to his interest in Hanni. The couple had disagreements in the past but moved on eventually to this day when they were walking up to the altar. The two eventually shared quality time with their families before the vows.
When the two stood at the altar, they shared their vows, and ultimately, the time came when they were both asked whether they wanted to get married or not. At first, Alina said yes to getting married, followed by Ilias, who also agreed. This made them the only couple to marry on the reality show's first season.
Love Is Blind: Germany reunion episode will be available on January 19, 2025.