Love Island USA season 6 aired a brand new episode this week on Friday, July 19, 2024. During the segment, the cast witnessed another elimination, during which four cast members went home.
Unlike the previous elimination, America voted and decided who their top four couples of the season were. They picked Serena and Kordell, Nicole and Kendall, JaNa and Kenny, and Leah and Miguel. This meant that Aaron and Kaylor, as well as Rob and Kassy were eliminated in episode 34.
Two couples got eliminated in Love Island USA season 6 episode 34
In Love Island USA season 6, the cast gathered for yet another firepit ceremony, during which two couples were sent home. After an eventful day consisting of a challenge and a family dinner, the cast received a text.
At the ceremony, it was announced that Serena and Kordell, JaNa and Kenny, and Nicole and Kendall were safe. There were three pairs left, and Leah was certain that Aaron and Kaylor were safe and was surprised when the text revealed that Leah and Miguel were safe. Another text stated:
"Kassy and Rob, and Kaylor and Aaron, you received the fewest votes from America and are therefore dumped from the island"
Another text informed the Love Island USA season 6 eliminated contestants that they had 30 minutes to pack their things and say their goodbyes. Kendall, Kenny, Miguel, and Kordell hugged Rob and Aaron and told them how much they'd miss them while Kaylor cried about how much she would miss the female islanders.
The female islander noted that although she would miss being on the show, she was excited to be in the real world with Aaron.
"I'm going to miss Kaylor in here so much. Like, she's such a good person, with such a good heart. Say what you want but Aaron's repented for his sins at Casa and I'm really excited for their future," Leah told the cameras.
While packing her things, Kaylor told the female cast members she had the "best experience" and told them she and Aaron had "more growing up to do." She added that being on Love Island USA season 6 wouldn't have been the same without them and that she was "so glad" to have them by her side.
As Rob and Aaron packed their things, the latter noted that he was happy to be eliminated since he got what he came for. Rob noted that he would remember it "forever" and was glad he met the male islanders.
Rob and Leah had a private conversation during which they resolved their issues, and Rob ended his journey on a good note. The two told each other they cared about each other and wished each other the best in life. Aaron and Rob also took a moment to remember their time on the show and thanked one another for being there for one another.
In Love Island USA season 6 episode 34, the cast competed in the Newlyweds challenge, enjoyed a family dinner, and went through another firepit ceremony, which revealed the final four couples of the season. As the cast spent one of their last few days in the villa, the islanders received another text informing them of their upcoming challenge. The message mentioned they had to "tie the knot" in the challenge on an obstacle course resembling a wedding ceremony.
The male islanders were made to slide down an aisle with their partners in their arms, dance, eat a wedding cake, and find the hidden item. The Love Island USA season 6 couples threw the bouquet for their fellow contestants to catch and then went to the honeymoon phase.
After the challenge, they had a family dinner, as they cooked together and shared their favorite moments before participating in the elimination ceremony.
Love Island USA season 6 will air its season finale on Sunday, July 21, 2024, at 9 pm ET on Peacock.