Love Never Lies: South Africa premiered on Netflix on November 29, 2024, bringing the heat with its dramatic reality dating show. Hosted by Minenhle 'Minnie' Dlamini, the series featured six couples striving to repair their relationships and win a cash prize.
The Love Never Lies: South Africa contestants put their love to the ultimate test as they faced a challenging separation from their partners. The couples were divided into two villas, Umjolo and Umgowo. Villa Umjolo had Kuda, Nikiwe, Nancy, Wilfred, Gontse, and Pretty, while Villa Umgowo had Lynn, Siya, Naledi, Bohlale, Clayton, and Munaka.
During this time, they encountered attractive singles who pushed their commitment and devotion to the limit. The question on everyone's mind was whether the couples would resist temptation and remain faithful or give in to infidelity. In the finale, the couples reunited for their final test, where the pair with the most honest track record took home the grand prize.
What happened in Love Never Lies: South Africa finale?
Love Never Lies: South Africa finale started off with Gontse joining the rest of the Villa Umjolo cast mates. Everyone reminisced about their journey on the reality show as it was soon coming to a conclusion. Everyone had strong words for their partners who were living in a different villa. Wilfred was especially disappointed in Clayton as he was shown footage of the latter making "silly s*x jokes."
Minnie later announced that the couples would be reuniting for one final time at the Love Never Lies: South Africa ceremony. Kuda later stated that he was finished with Lynn and considered her an "ex," while Lynn was also confused about their relationship status in Villa Umgowo.
"If Kuda could say, 'I'm over this relationship,' I'd understand because I feel like that's where I am as well," revealed Lynn.
Minnie announced that the last EyeDetect test held great value. The questions answered with truth would add an extra 30,000 Rand to the grand prize, while a single lie would deduct 10,000 Rand. Munaka and Gontse were the first to walk out of the ceremony, and they both answered their questions truthfully.
Kuda and Lynn were next, and the former immediately apologized for not creating a safe space for the two to converse. Lynn was asked if she wanted to break up with Kuda, and she answered no. That turned out to be a lie, and Lynn revealed that she still resented Kuda when he asked another woman to snuggle. On the other hand, Kuda answered his question with a truth that added to the prize money.
Minnie later confronted Wilfred about his shaky demeanor. The latter revealed he was emotional about reuniting with his partner, Clayton. He had missed Clayton deeply and was overcome with emotion at the thought of seeing him again. They both answered their questions truthfully, which added 60,000 rand.
Nikiwe and Naledi were next to walk in. Although they claimed to miss each other, their answers turned out to be a lie. Pretty and Siya answered their answers truthfully on Love Never Lies: South Africa and even had a conversation about having a family together. The final couple, Nancy and Bohlale, followed and answered their questions truthfully as well.
All the couples then gathered together for the final time in the first season of Love Never Lies: South Africa as Minnie recapped their journey. The final prize pot was 720,000 Rand, and the host revealed the winner of that prize. Gontse and Munaka were the eventual winners, as they lied only once.
Catch all seven episodes of Love Never Lies: South Africa before the reunion airs on December 8, 2024.