Love Undercover is the new, much-awaited Peacock series. The show revolves around five former European Soccer stars who come to Los Angeles in search of love. The only big twist is that they keep their star identity a secret to find a woman who doesn't love them for their money but for their hearts.
The five men will have to choose from a pool of 18 women who wouldn't have a clue about their European star status, but the big revelation will happen right before the finale episode.
Love Undercover is set to release on Peacock on May 9, 2024.
More details on Love Undercover season 1, the new Peacock show
Release dates for Love Undercover's episodes to come
The first three episodes of Love Undercover season 1 will be released on May 9. Following that, three more episodes will be released every two weeks. The finale of Love Undercover season 1 is scheduled to be held on May 23. There is no official news about the show's renewal for season 2.
Who will be among the cast members of Love Undercover season 1?
The cast of five men on the Peacock show comprises current and former soccer stars from the prestigious European Premier League.
The following are the players and the teams they represent in Europe:
1. Lloyd Jones
Lloyd, 28, is an English football player. He plays as a defender for Charlton Athletic.
2. Sebastián Fassi
This 30-year-old Mexican football player plays as a goalkeeper for the Spanish Primera Federación club San Fernando CD.
3. Marco Fabián
Marco is also a Mexican footballer like his co-star Sabastián. He is 34 years old and plays for FC Rànger’s. Debuted recently in 2007, Marco's special achievement is an Olympic gold medal.
4. Jamie O'Hara
Jamie isn't just an English football player but also a manager. Playing as a midfielder for the Arsenal Academy, the 37-year-old proceeded to Tottenham Hotspur after he signed for them.
5. Ryan Babel
This 37-year-old is a Dutch footballer. He used to play for the TFF First League club Eyüpspor after beginning his career as early as 1997.
All of these players are well known in Europe since the teams they are associated with are popular among the people. However, to their advantage, when it comes to Los Angeles, no one recognizes them. They will now use this to find a woman who has no idea about their millionaire status and their star power.
The 18 women they pick from also make the cast of Love Undercover season 1, which comedian and podcaster Jared Freid will host.
The trailer of Love Undercover season 1
While many men are seen falling genuinely in love with the women they meet, some are seen struggling in the trailer released by Peacock. The trailer opens with insights into their famous lives back home, as the narrator says,
"They have everything, everything except true love".
One of the five men introduces himself as an AD salesman, another calls himself a construction worker, and someone else says they're a strength and conditioning coach in a hilarious attempt to conceal their true identity.
They also come very close to blowing up their cover many times, which is also sniffed out by one of the ladies who calls them out for not being truthful. The trailer also shows the participants revealing their truth to the women at the end of the season.
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