Love Undercover is a new Peacock series that features five international athletes Jamie O'Hara, Marco Fabián, Sebastián Fassi, Ryan Babel, and Lloyd Jones. In this show, the players enter the dating pool for a social experiment to find love within 30 days by concealing their real identities. The main purpose of this experiment is to find a union connection without the fame factor.
One of the Love Undercover cast members, Sebastian Fassi talked about his experience with girls, the red flags to look out for, and teased about an authentic match he was seeking.
In a conversation with USA Insider on Thursday, May 16, 2024, Sebastian Fassi shared that when dating he would instantly know who wants a relationship with him for fame. As a soccer star, Fassi has had multiple interactions with women. He claimed to tell whether they seek a certain lifestyle or are genuinely interested in getting to know him, just by looking at them.
One of the major red flags, the Love Undercover star considers is a lack of gratitude. He wants a partner who is appreciative of little things and is ready to put in the same effort as Fassi, he explained—
"Lack of gratitude. Show me what you really want because when a girl thinks that she kind of deserve[s] that and she doesn’t even acknowledge the fact that you’re doing something nice for her, you can actually tell."
Sebastian Fassi shares his dating experience on Love Undercover
For Sebastian Fassi, it's easier to tell what "a girl is looking for" in today's era. He believed due to social media, most people are focused on Instagram followers and social media reach for fame, they want popularity through any means. This culture promotes a “lack of values” as per the Love Undercover celebrity.
Fassi said that he can instantly spot red flags in a girl through their behavior and the way they present themselves. He shared—
“Obviously, the way they behave around you. I think that being a soccer player for a long time, you actually get to know them. It doesn’t even take one date or two dates. You can actually just see them and…know what they’re looking for.”
Moreover, the Love Undercover star explained how he struggled to make a final decision as he found a genuine connection with multiple women on the show. The soccer player didn't reveal much but mentioned that he was confident in his choice and didn't have any regrets regarding the filming process.
“Then we actually did create…a nice connection. You actually start to care for the other person. You start to actually love her. I don’t regret absolutely nothing", he said.
Fassi told Pop Culturalist on May 16, 2024, that the show format seemed exciting to him, and the "message behind" the social experiment is what interested him to join the Peacock reality TV series. For Fassi, this was a "life-changing experience" in which people only saw him for his heart and who he was. Without the interruption of any external factors, Fassi got the chance to hunt for love.
During this process, the Love Undercover star "learned something new every day" something different from the repetitive nature of practicing on the field. He struggled to remember what he said on each date as well.
Stream Love Undercover exclusively on Peacock.