Season 26 of Big Brother aired the season finale on Sunday, October 13, 2024, and saw Chelsie Baham emerge as the winner. She was a part of the final three, including Cam Sullivan-Brown and Makensy Manbeck. The season saw several tough competitions, shifting alliances, and high-stakes strategy.
Cam, a former Division 1 athlete known for his strong social game, was competing in the final Head of Household (HOH) competition during the live finale. The winner of this competition would decide who would advance to the final two. In the end, it came down to Makensy, who had already lost the first two parts of the HOH competition.
However, instead of taking Cam to the end, she chose Chelsie, who went on to win the season with unanimous jury support. Cam expressed his frustration at being cut so close to the finish line, stating that he was a "little p*ssed."
"I was a little pissed just because I think that Makensy didn't make the right decision," Cam said.
Cam’s reaction to Makensy’s decision in the Big Brother finale
Cam Sullivan-Brown was disappointed at being evicted from Big Brother season 26 in the final phase. Despite his efforts to build alliances and manage relationships in the house, his lack of competition success put him at risk.
When Makensy Manbeck won the final Head of Household competition, Cam hoped their past alliance and strategic ties would influence her decision to take him to the final two. However, Makensy chose Chelsie Baham instead, which left Cam feeling disappointed.
Cam believed that choosing Chelsie, who had a strong competition record and excellent jury management, might not have been the best decision for Makensy’s game.
"Chelsie's résumé did blow her out of the water, and Chelsie just knows how to speak very well. So if it comes down to her and Chelsie, and she's talking to the jury, Chelsie's always going to win that battle," Cam said.
Cam thought the final showdown might have been more balanced if Makensy had picked him. He believed he could have leveraged his social skills to win over the jury.
Cam’s strategy: How things could have played out in the final two of Big Brother
Reflecting on what could have happened if he had made it to the final two, Cam believed his strong social skills would have given him a chance to win. He explained that although he hadn't won many competitions, he managed his relationships well throughout the season, forming alliances that carried him far.
Cam noted that he had good jury management, particularly with houseguests like T'Kor, Kimo, and Quinn, with whom he had close connections. He also believed that if Chelsie had been evicted, he could have counted on her vote, further improving his chances of winning the $750,000 prize in Big Brother.
Cam said that in his hypothetical final speech, he would have emphasized how he manipulated the decisions made by the Head of Household, especially Makensy's decisions. He stated that he would have explained how he manipulated the decisions to protect himself even though he wasn't a major physical threat in the Big Brother house.
His plan involved keeping bigger targets in the spotlight, allowing him to remain under the radar while avoiding eviction. Although he did not get the opportunity to present his case to the jury, Cam remained confident that his social gameplay would have made a compelling argument for the jury's votes.
All the episodes of Big Brother season 26 are currently streaming on CBS.