Baddies Midwest, the reality TV series on The Zeus Network, features cast members Natalie Nun, Scotty Ryan, Rollie Pollie, Biggie, Latifa, Diamond The Body, Jelaminah, Ahna Mac, and Tinkaabellaaa Williams in its latest season. Returning stars are joined by Jaidyn Alexis and Akbar V.
So far, three episodes have been released, giving viewers a glimpse into the increasing tension between the cast members. The first two episodes focused on the conflict, arguments, and fights, as well as the professional aspect of each baddie's life.
Episode 3 centered on the clash between Summer and Ahna. When Baddies Midwest star Natalie Nunn introduced the newbies to the OGs, Summer locked eyes with Ahna, leading to a physical fight that ended after they were separated.
Upon seeing this, a few cast members were confused about what had happened, while Jela wanted Summer to calm down. During her confession interview, Baddies Midwest cast member Jela shared that Summer was making her "anxiety bad."
"She's making my anxiety bad and I need her to shut the f*ck up and sit down somewhere," she said.
Baddies Midwest episode 3, titled Motor City Mouth, premiered exclusively on The Zeus Network on November 10, 2024. The episode synopsis reads:
"Newbie Summer, knows how to quickly make enemies. The fearless Baddies embark on a Midwest takeover, shaking up cities from Detroit to St. Louis with their bold style and unexpected alliances."
Jela talks about Ahna and Summer's fight on Baddies Midwest episode 3
In Baddiest Midwest episode 3, newbie Summer met the OG cast at the mixer party. However, as soon as she saw Ahna, a physical fight broke out between them. As per Summer's claim, she doubted Ahna's intention regarding the auditions. The two got into a heated argument, which quickly escalated into a full-blown fight. Ahna clarified that she had nothing to do with holding back Summer's ticket.
During the confessional interview, Jela told the cameras that Summer was "saying a lot" and needed to "sit down somewhere." Jela couldn't understand why Summer "attacked" Ahna as soon as she saw the opportunity. The Baddies Midwest star said:
"Summer came in, and she then attacked Ahna. She just seems like she's really doing a lot, she's saying a lot. Like she don't wanna sit down like, I don't know if she got ADHD. I don't know what the f*ck is going on with this little girl right now."
Previously, Summer got into a fight with Ivori when she pointed out Summer's way of communicating with others. They started to argue, and things got heated between them as well.
The dispute remains unresolved, with guards separating Summer and Ahna to prevent another altercation. The upcoming episode 4 is expected to provide a deeper glimpse into the conflict between Summer and Ahna. There might be a division between the cast members as they choose sides.
Viewers can stream Baddies Midwest exclusively on The Zeus Network. Fans can also follow the cast members on their social media accounts to stay updated with their personal and professional lives, as well as episode updates.