Love Is Blind Mexico aired its final two episodes on August 15, 2024, which saw the final couples going through trials and tribulations of living together as a couple. The show follows the concept of 30 individuals who entered the pods in hopes of finding their life partner and giving love a second chance.
Fernanda and Gerardo are one of those couples who formed a strong connection together as they had their conversations with a wall between them. They eventually met and decided to get engaged, flying to Tulum for their honeymoon phase. In the later episodes, as the couple started living together, cracks started to emerge in their relationship.
In episode 6 of Love Is Blind Mexico, the couple fought because Gerardo fell asleep without saying good night to her. She pointed out that they were about to get intimate and failed to do so because of him.
She also brought up the topic of Gerardo not asking for her opinion during the barbecue night and ignoring her all day. Gerardo took it as Fernanda acting up due to her past traumas being in a relationship. When Gerardo asked Fernanda about the reason for their fights during their date, Fernanda explained it was a mix of small conflicts that weren't addressed.
"This is a real issue that happens with us. And these very small things start to add up and are important. You're taking them out of context. You're making a mountain out of a mole hill," stated Fernanda.
These conflicts eventually led to bigger problems as the couple decided to end their relationship later on. They both ended up single by the end of the season finale.
Journey of Fernanda and Gerardo on Love Is Blind Mexico
Fernanda and Gerardo were one of the first couples to meet each other and get engaged on Love Is Blind Mexico. They both felt at ease and shared intimate details about themselves after feeling a sense of comfort with each other's presence. They both said "I love you" to each other after Fernanda received Gerardo's roses.
He wrote a song for Fernanda and proposed to her, explaining the importance of taking a leap of faith during the experiment.
"I'm about to ask you an important question. My right knee is on the floor. I can't believe I'm saying this to the wall. But Fernanda Riva Palacio, will you marry me?"
Although Fernanda was feeling nervous due to having a troubled romantic past, she agreed and they both embraced each other and got engaged. They eventually flew to Tulum and came back to Mexico in hopes of starting their new lives together.
On Love Is Blind: Mexico, Gerardo and Fernanda clashed over various issues, including their living arrangements, their dogs, and a lack of physical connection. Gerardo struggled to understand Fernanda's intense persona, especially after her friend joined them for an evening. In episode 7, Fernanda skipped Silvia's birthday celebration, leaving Gerardo alone. He expressed his disappointment in a one-on-one interview.
Gerardo further explained that in the large gathering, he felt alone as his partner was not there beside him which led him to deal with Mafer that night. Mafer was the second contestant that Gerardo connected within the pods and later decided to end their conversation because of his strong connection with Fernanda.
Watch the whole season of Love Is Blind Mexico on Netflix.