Love Is Blind: Germany premiered on January 3, 2025, on Netflix, with the first four episodes. One of the cast members, Hanni shared a personal experience with Daniel about her parents' separation. Earlier in the premiere episode, Daniel and Hanni built a connection through their first date on the pods. As they talked further, she revealed that she had never said "I love you" to any of her previous partners.
This raised some concerns for Daniel, but they both decided to continue their conversation in the pods. There, Daniel discovered a gold ring that Hanni had left for him, prompting him to ask about its significance. Hanni hesitated, explaining that her parents separated when she was 17 or 18 and it was a tough phase for her.
She shared that her father's departure had a profound impact on her mother, and Hanni found herself taking on a supportive role.
"Yeah, my dad left, and it was really, really tough for my mom. I supported my mom a lot, and it brought us really close. I mean, sure we had a good relationship before that, too, but yeah, anyway, it was very difficult," revealed Hanni.
The gold ring, purchased by her mother with her last bit of money, held sentimental value for Hanni. She revealed that she had never taken it off since receiving it. She later confessed that opening up about her past was rare for her.
Love Is Blind: Germany's Hanni confesses her true feelings for Daniel
In Love Is Blind: Germany, Daniel and Hanni continued their chat in the pods. He sought reassurance from Hanni about her ability to open up to him emotionally. This time, she responded affirmatively and indicated that she felt comfortable sharing her feelings with him. The conversation then shifted to Hanni's past admission that she had never said "I love you" in a relationship.
Daniel expressed his desire to hear those words from his future partner, revealing that it was essential to him. Hanni also reciprocated, stating that she also didn't want to live without expressing her love. Later, in a confessional, Hanni mentioned:
"I know that I am 100% sure about my feelings for Daniel, but I'm nervous and I never get like that," revealed Hanni in a confessional.
Hanni decided to end things with Ilias because of Daniel on Love Is Blind: Germany
Hanni decided to meet with Ilias, with whom she had formed a connection due to their shared profession. Ilias inquired about Hanni's feelings towards the experiment and asked for some honesty. In a confessional, Ilias expressed his enjoyment of their dates, describing them as having an atmosphere that matched with his ideal everyday life.
However, Ilias' question was followed by awkward laughter and hesitation from Love Is Blind: Germany star Hanni. Ilias encouraged Hanni to be truthful, and she revealed that while she liked him, her feelings were complicated by her connection with another person, Daniel. Hanni explained that she couldn't be with two people simultaneously, as it would lead to uncertainty.
"The thing is, there's no point when you feel good with someone but feel the same way with someone else. And I'm not someone who can be with two people at the same time, you just get confused and there'd be no point," confessed Hanni.
Ilias acknowledged Hanni's honesty, expressing regret that their connection might not progress. He cherished the bond they shared, but understood Hanni's perspective. The two parted ways, with Ilias bidding Hanni farewell and wishing her well.
The first four episodes of Love Is Blind: Germany are available to stream on Netflix.