Episode 19 of Big Brother season 26 came out on August 25, with which the show entered week 6. T'kor took the reigns of the new Head of Household and nominated Makensy, Cam, and Tucker for evictions.
She did so because Makensy wasn't in any of the alliances with her, while Cam was the only person on the block who wasn't directly affiliated with her apart from being in The Collective. Tucker volunteered to be a pawn and T'kor happily nominated him because she always saw him as a threat because of his strength.
Tucker has easily won Power of Veto comps or the AI Arena comps up until now, but this could just be the week when he goes home. Fans of Big Brother took to X to express their thoughts on Tucker possibly saying adios to the game. Some fans called for his elimination while others were against it.
"I'm so utterly conflicted about Tucker as a player. The bringer of chaos & entertainment that simultaneously needs humbling & to go home," a fan wrote.

"Fish died, lost the veto, punishment, alliance left him for dead, his mother disowned him. Yeah Tucker pack ur bags that’s such bad omen," another wrote.
"Tucker really lost Leah and MJ because he wanted to go full-blown showmance and now his flight to NYC is being booked as we speak," wrote a third one.
"If Tucker is still on the block come eviction time on Thursday and does not go home. I’m done. These people are stupid as hell," a comment read.
While one-half of the internet wanted to see him go, the other half rooted for him and thought the Big Brother house would be less entertaining without him.
"People celebrating that Tucker might get evicted are going to be real upset when this show turns into a snoozefest," a fan said.
"I can be honest and say Tucker made a lot of mistakes and made poor game decisions. But I still don’t want to see him go," said another.
"Tucker gotta stop offering himself to go on the block bruh," a Tweet read.
"I’m ready for Tucker to go from a game perspective but I’m fine if he stays just so we keep getting quicker content," read another Tweet.
What else went down on Big Brother season 26 episode 19?
For this week's HoH comp, the Big Brother contestants had to play a game called 'Sound Bites'. The contestants had to answer questions and wrong answers would get them eliminated from the game. After all 10 contestants got eliminated in three rounds, the only one remaining was T'kor, so she became the HoH.
T'kor was in a tough position because most of the contestants were affiliated with her one way or the other. Rubina and Chelsie were safe because of their close relations with T'kor, and so were Joseph and Leah.
Next, America voted Tucker to be the AI Instigator which gave him the power to spread false rumors about a housemate with the avatar of another housemate. For his first rumor, Tucker chose to be Quinn and said the house should've evicted Rubina because "Tucker wouldn't have been able to handle it".
Tucker told Rubina he ousted their relationship because he didn't want to hide their showmance anymore. Rubina didn't like the idea at first but came around to be okay with it.
For instant updates on Big Brother season 26, fans can follow the show's official Instagram account @bigbrothercbs.