Love is Blind UK aired its reunion special earlier this week on Monday, August 26, 2024. During the segment, the final couples revealed their current relationship status. While Benaiah and Nicole, and Jasmine and Bobby were still married, Steven and Sabrina revealed they had since split up.
The segment saw the two at odds as Sabrina criticized her former partner for not supporting her. Steven told Sabrina that he didn't recognize who she was at the reunion special and eventually blamed the end of their relationship to the distance since they were trying to make a long-distance relationship work.
Since then, Sabrina has further opened up about her relationship with the Love is Blind UK cast member and how it impacted her. In an interview with Mirror, which was published on August 28, 2024, the cast member chimed in on how the breakup damaged her mental health.
"It was incredibly difficult. It had a really bad effect on me emotionally, mentally, and physically. I was diagnosed with depression, I had a lot of anticipatory grief for the life we were meant to have together," Sabrina said.
Love is Blind UK star Sabrina details life after breakup with Steven
While in conversation with the publication, Love is Blind UK star Sabrina said that it was hard for her because she had "this whole life" planned out with Steven. She found it difficult to let go of it because she was "almost mounting something" that hadn't even happened.
The social experiment participant said she had isolated herself from her friends because she was embarrassed.
"I’ve asked them all to come to the wedding and then 86 days later I’m like, ‘Yeah, it didn’t work out," she said.
The Love is Blind UK cast member added that she took time to work on herself after the breakup and was in therapy. She also traveled and "gradually" started to get back to herself.
Sabrina further reflected upon her marriage to Steven. She said she married him because she believed he was her "person" and that she would "always love" the person he was while filming Love is Blind UK. The reality star stated that her former partner made a lot of promises before they tied the knot, but didn't deliver.
She added that she tried to make it work and often traveled to London and prioritized her relationship with Steven. However, the female cast member felt she didn't get the "same respect or commitment in return."
"So when it was his turn to show up at Christmas, he didn’t. And at that point, I realised I had to choose myself, because a marriage has to be a partnership and it has to work both ways," she said.
Steven also opened up about his split with Sabrina while in a conversation with the BBC on August 27, 2024. The Love is Blind UK star stated that the small problems in their relationship became bigger due to the physical distance between them.
He added that while it was joyous to watch himself fall in love on screen, he and Sabrina "just didn't work" as they were not "compatible in real life." He said that although he had been trying to find the "beauty in the experiment," there were "sad times" watching the Netflix show back because he knew how it ended.
Chiming in on the Love is Blind UK reunion, which aired on August 26, 2024, he said he was hurt by how he was portrayed. However, he stated it only mattered what his friends and family thought of him.
Fans can watch Sabrina and Steven's journey unfold on Love is Blind UK, episodes of which are available to stream on Netflix.