Beast Games, a Prime Video reality show aired episode 6 on Thursday, January 16, 2025. The segment started off with last week's cliffhanger and saw one cast member win an island after which the remaining 52 contestants returned to Beast City to continue on in the game.
The players choose what games to compete in next — physical, mental, or chance- which decides their future in the game. Players 527 and 406 picked mental and had to go head-on in trivia individually against other players.
Player 527 was the second player to be eliminated from the round while player 406 was eliminated by Akira, player 539. Fans of the reality show commented on the brothers' elimination from the reality show and were happy to see them go home. One person wrote on X:
"Seeing them brothers eliminated on #beastgames was absolutely beautiful."
"The way those two douchebag brothers left gave me so much joy, I got teary," a tweet read.
Fans of Beast Games scrutinized their gameplay and called them "disgusting":
"You don't know how much satisfaction it gave me to see the Habibi brothers eliminated, I hope they remember it all their d*mn lives, disgusting people, it has been one of the best pleasures of this show," a person wrote.
"Lets goo #406 get the f*ck outta here @MrBeast so hype both these dirt bags got eliminated dirt bag bros are outta here," a fan commented.
"Most satisfying episode of #BeastGames @MrBeast yet!! 527 and 406 losing was amazing!! 527 being super c*cky when he was the 2nd highest winner and then 406 being a sore loser… they both deserved to be dropped," a tweet read.
Fans of Beast Games season 1 further said:
"I finished watching Beast Games Episode 6. Talk about fucking satisfying. The douche brothers both got eliminated in the trvia, same with Player 976 in the chance game. Since Jeremy got eliminated, I’m rooting for Akira, Player 539. Go win that $5,000,000!" a person wrote.
"THIS HABIBI BROTHER DOWNFALL! INJECT! Akira, drop your pants. You have changed my world. The most satisfying episode ever," a fan commented.
Players 527 and 406 get eliminated during trivia round in Beast Games episode 6
In Beast Games season 1 episode 6, 17 players chose to compete in games focused on their mental ability to move on in the game. However, not everyone made it through. As the players gathered in a room, the host, Mr. Beast announced that before they started the games, he needed to know who the smartest and the least smartest were and had them take an intelligence test.
Player 527 had the second-highest score and once all the scores were revealed, Mr. Beast told the contestants they would compete in trivia. When the player's turn to pick his opponent came, the host recalled his journey and described him as one of the "most heartless players" in Beast Games so far.
"You can choose whoever scored the lowest. You can choose your very own brother and guarantee one of you move on to the Top 25 or pick anyone else," Mr. Beast said.
The cast member chose player 817 but lost to her and got eliminated.
Later in the episode, player 539 chose to compete against player 406 and explained that he had a "mission to carry out." The host asked about his mission and Akira (player 359) explained he had heard things about other players about what happened "in the cubes" and said some players didn't play with "honesty and integrity."
"I'd rather know I gave it a shot to take him out. If I go home, it's totally okay," he said.
The two were asked which NBA team won the most championships and player 406 pressed the buzzer first and answered L.A. Lakers. The Beast Games host told him it was the wrong answer and since Akira's answer, Boston Celtics, was the right answer, player 406 was eliminated.
Fans of the reality show commented on the brothers' elimination from the show and were happy to see them get eliminated.
Tune in every Thursday to watch new episodes of Beast Games on Prime Video.