Netflix's The Circle aired Episodes 5 to 8 this week on September 18, 2024. The segment started with the aftermath of Episode 4, during which it was announced that Madelyn and Rachel aka Debbie were the disruptors. They were told to swap profiles and work together to save themselves from being blocked from the show.
The two cast members were unsure about the task as they didn't know each other well. The two entered a private chat to strategize. Madelyn told Rachel about her alliances and noted that Andy was her Circle Husband.
Fans of the show took to social media to react to the swap and praised Rachel and Madelyn for pretending to be each other. They praised the contestants' gameplay on X. One person wrote:
"It’s actually crazy how Deb & Madelyn have pulled off playing each other’s profiles. I’m shocked more people aren’t suspicious of how Madelyn & “Rachel” are suddenly good friends"
"Rachel and Madelyn are doing a pretty good job playing each other," a fan commented.
"rachel and madelyn ATEEEEE THE SWAPPED PROFILES," a tweet read.
The Circle Season 7 fans reacted to the cast members ranking on top while playing one another:
"I was screaming with Madelyn and Rachel when I saw that 1st and 2nd place. They did so well with that Disruptor swap. I love it," a person wrote.
"That's amazing the circle swap changed the game #Girlsquad 1 and 2 Great job Madelyn and Rachel!" a fan commented.
"I love how Madelyn just woke up and decided that her number 1 ally in the game had to go. she's kind of becoming my fave. Also her and Rachel absolutely BOSSED this switched profiles disadvantage," a tweet read.
The Circle Season 7 fans further said:
"Not Madelyn playing a better Rachel than Rachel!" a person wrote.
"The way I screamed when Madelyn and Rachel came in at 1st and 2nd playing each other!! Madelyn saying they love me when it was Deb playing her! Cinema," a fan commented.
"I'm a double catfish": The Circle Season 7 star Rachel aka Debbie chimes in on swapping profiles with Madelyn
In The Circle Season 7 Episode 5, Circle Wedding Crashers, Madelyn and Rachel aka Debbie had to swap profiles as part of their disruptor disadvantage. The two checked out their "new" profiles to better understand one another.
Rachel noted that The Circle star was "hot" while Madelyn said that Rachel was "obviously very smart." The latter expressed concern about Rachel talking to Andy as her while Rachel was concerned about having to catfish as Madelyn since she had already entered the game as a catfish.
"I'm a catfish who's catfishing. I am catfish squared right now. I am double catfish," Rachel aka Debbie said.
The two discussed their strategies and discovered who they were allied with. After the conversation, Madelyn thought that the best way to move forward would be to talk to the person with whom Rachel had the "most beef." She invited Kevin for a private chat and smoothed things over between them.
As the cast indulged in a game of Make out, Marry, Murder, while playing as Rachel, Madelyn picked Darian to "make out with" despite him choosing to "murder" her. Rachel chimed in on the situation and said that it was a good idea since it changed the narrative of the game. She chose to "murder" Andy.
"Actually, I'm not mad at this. And blocked my girl, Gianna. Rachel is still holding a grudge. "Rachel" you're actually smart. I think you're better Rachel than me," she said.
The Circle Season 7 fans commented on the swap online and praised their gameplay.
Episodes of The Circle Season 7 are available to stream on Netflix.