American Idol season 22 aired its season finale on Sunday, May 19, 2024. The three-hour-long finale segment saw the final three return to the stage as it was their last chance to win hearts and votes before the winner was announced.
Several guest performers were a part of the segment, after which Abi Carter was announced as the season 22 winner. Fans of the show took to social media to react to the announcement and cheered for Carter on X:
"SO PROUD!!! Abi Carer is one of my favourite winners ever on #AmericanIdol!!!! America got it right. Abi is so deserving," one person wrote.
"Abi Carter the WINNER that you are!!! Singing What Was I Made For after being declared the winner.... I love girlhood. I'll probably not stop crying tonight I am so proud of her #AmericanIdol," another person wrote.
"Abi Carter is your winner of #AmericanIdol season 22 after the live night-long vote. Nothing like the emotion! Another fantastic season wraps on ABC. It's back next spring for season 23. Can't wait!," a fan wrote.
American Idol season 22 fans said:
"You guys don't understand I'm so happy @AbiCarterMusic has been my favorite from the start and I'm so happy America got it right!!!!! Congrats Abi on Winning season 22 #AmericanIdol this was @katyperry's last season now how am I supposed to see her weekly #Idol," a tweet read.
"Our #AmericanIdol @AbiCarterMusic I was cheering her on right from the start and every time I went this season I was always a huge fan and everyone would ask who did I want to win and my answer was always Abi so for her to actually win I'm so incredibly happy and proud of her," another tweet read.
"Had TV on pause. SO HAPPY @AbiCarterMusic won #AmericanIdol tonight! She had me from the very beginning w 'What Was I Made For." She's a a young girl turned beautiful singer. I can't say how happy I am! CONGRATS Abi! #Winner #AbiCarter #AmericanIdol @AmericanIdol," a fan wrote.
American Idol season 22 fans further cheered the winner:
"Abi Carter wins!!! Finally America gets it right lol she is so talented and deserves this win she’s beautiful inside and out she gave me chills every time she sang and made me cry I’m so happy for you girl I love you!! @AbiCarterMusic #americanidol," a tweet read.
"Back when Abi Carter auditioned on American idol Katy Perry asked her what was she made for? And Abi said, “I was made for this moment.” And she was absolutely right because Abi Carter just became the winner of American Idol 2024 for season 22! "Idol #AmericanIdol," another tweet read.
"Greatest honor"- Abi Carter takes to social media after winning American Idol season 22
American Idol season 22 found its latest winner, Abi Carter, after a three-hour-long live finale segment that aired on Sunday, May 19, 2024. After she was announced as the winner, Abi took to social media to thank America for voting for her.
In the Instagram post, the winning contestant noted that she was "just a girl" who used to sing on street corners and now, she had the "pleasure and privilege" to be on American Idol.
She wrote:
"I couldn't have imagined winning #americanidol when I started this whole journey. We haven't had a girl winner in over 4 years and to be the first after so many seasons is the greatest honor."
She further said:
"I've had the pleasure and privilege to work with some of the most talented people in the industry and be heard by millions of people. This is my dream and I know it's just the beginning. I love you all so much."
Episodes of American Idol season 22 are available to stream on ABC.