The Challenge: Battle of the Eras, also known as season 40, aired a brand new episode. Episode 7 aired on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, and saw another elimination challenge.
Although those who competed in the task were Kyland, Tina, Michele, and Darrell, some other contestants argued about being targets. Johnny Bananas urged Ryan Koheo to nominate himself for the elimination, while Ryan wondered why.
Fans of The Challenge season 40 reacted to the disagreement online. One person wrote on X:
"Bananas wants Ryan to volunteer for him even though Bananas sent Ryan in not even 7 days in! Make it make sense. Are you ok?"
"Qhy is Nananas so mad that Ryan isnt volunteering.... but theres KC still not doing shit. She glides to the end like Bananas used too lol," a fan commented.
"Why do these people think volunteering is doing something when they're not actually going in? Ryan already competed in an elimination, and won, Johnny hasn't," a tweet read.
Some of The Challenge season 40 fans supported Johnny Bananas:
"Ryan has the same amount of wins as my a** does on my couch that’s why bananas can walk his walk with the how many wins he has," a person wrote.
"Bananas didn’t tell a single lie here. Ryan and Derek don’t do sh*t. Like at least be entertaining if you gonna be just sitting there not doing any work," a fan commented.
"Like, I like Ryan but Bananas is kinda right and he’s like a dead weight?" a tweet read.
The Challenge: Battle of the Eras fans further said:
"Sorry but Bananas kinda ate… Derek and Ryan havent done sh*t all season. But this is Banana’s karma bc in past seasons he be skating by too," a person wrote.
"He just does what he always does. When he isn’t being targeted, “that’s how you play the game” when he is being targeted, “you’re all playing a scared game” *yawn* Bring Wes back, this Plantain is turning brown," a fan commented.
"You're playing a scared game"— Johnny Bananas calls out Ryan Kehoe in The Challenge: Battle of the Eras episode 7
In The Challenge season 40, also known as Battle of the Eras, Era 2's internal conflicts occurred publicly when Johnny Bananas questioned Ryan Kohoe's strategy.
The MTV star said that since Ryan had "no intentions" of nominating himself for the elimination, Nehemiah and he would have to continue "carrying" the team. Laurel, who was also present in the room, asked when they talked about it. Bananas said Ryan said it was after the second time they were nominated.
The Challenge season 40 contestant, Ryan, told Bananas he was "full of sh*t" while the latter pointed out that Ryan was playing a "scared game".
"You're playing a scared game. Don't worry, me and Nehemiah will keep carrying the team, you can sit back and just pretend to do f*cking puzzles and pop balloons," he added.
Ryan retaliated by calling Bananas an idiot. He told the cameras that Bananas was upset that Ryan hadn't been a target so far in season 40. He added that he had friends in the game because he wasn't a "slimeball," as compared to Johnny.
Ryan asked Johnny if he thought he was "coasting" through The Challenge season 40 and the latter said it sounded like he was. He urged him to nominate himself and "go to work."
In a confessional, Bananas explained that he wanted to make a public scene to put pressure on Ryan to self-nominate. He added that he wanted the cast member to admit that he wanted Bananas to continue going into eliminations.
Fans of the MTV competitive reality show reacted to the heated conversation online and were divided by Johnny Bananas' point of view.
The Challenge season 40 will air episode 8, next week on Wednesday, October 16, 2024.