Vanessa Grimaldi, a former contestant on The Bachelor, recently revealed that she suffered a miscarriage. The 36-year-old reality star shared the news on Monday in an Instagram post. Her post also responded to the uncomfortable questions she has faced about expanding her family following the birth of her son, Winston.
In her candid post, Grimaldi explained that the miscarriage came as a shock and she took time to "heal emotionally and physically" before she announced the news.
She included a trigger warning before delving into her story, acknowledging that the topic might be sensitive for some.
Vanessa Grimaldi breaks taboo around miscarriage
Vanessa Grimaldi wrote that a few months ago she got "two biggest surprises", the first was finding out she was pregnant and the second was her miscarriage.
She described the series of medical procedures that she had to undergo such as ultrasound, blood tests, doctor visits, etc. The TV personality also said there were many times that she talked with her family members, friends, and even strangers about the emotional and physical changes that come with miscarriage.
"It was a hard yet bonding process that made me feel less alone and ultimately helped me heal," she told her followers.
The reality star also expressed gratitude to those who supported her and offered encouragement to other women who may be going through similar experiences
In her post's caption, she wrote about how miscarriages are not uncommon, yet they are not discussed openly in public.
"Up to one in four known pregnancies end in miscarriage, yet, it is still not talked about enough." She added, "I feel good about sharing my story with you, but the tears still happen and the sadness still comes every now and then. And that’s okay."
After her post went live, many co-stars from the Bachelor Nation offered their support in the comment section. Fellow alumni of the series, Amanda Stanton and Clare Crawley responded to Grimaldi’s post with heart emojis.
Vanessa Grimaldi's husband and son
Vanessa Grimaldi initially gained recognition in 2017 for participating in Season 21 of The Bachelor where she got engaged to Nick Viall. However, the couple broke off their engagement a few months after the show aired.
They said in a statement that they were disappointed about their friendship not turning into a "fairy-tale ending" but promised to be supportive of each other.
Vanessa Grimaldi eventually moved on, finding love with Josh Wolfe, a businessman.
The couple got engaged in August 2020 and exchanged vows in a small wedding in Canada in early 2021. The couple was blessed with their son, Winston in September 2022. Grimaldi routinely posts about her son on Instagram.