Dubai Bling season 3 premiered on Netflix on January 8, 2025, consisting of all nine episodes. The latest season introduced some new faces to the main cast and saw old feuds getting bigger. The previous season saw Zeina's fight with Ebraheem and Zeina's husband, Hanna, supported her.
In season 3, Ebraheem revealed that he bought trademarks of Zeina’s firm's name “I Am The Company” in Europe and the UK, out of spite for her after their fight last season. He told her that he would hand them to her if she was on her best behavior with him.
At a cast gathering later, Hanna criticized Ebraheem in front of everyone for making such a move. This culminated in a fight that made him decide against giving the trademark papers to Zeina.
Later in the season, under Safa's mediation, Ebraheem and Hanna sat down to talk things out between them to come to a friendly conclusion. Ebraheem eventually handed out the trademark to Hanna and Zeina. Fans flocked to X to react to Hanna standing up for Zeina and going for Ebraheem to buy trademarks for her company.
"Sorry I’m obsessed with how Hanna backs Zeina to the moon and back. She 100% has the best husband there," a fan said.
"If my husband doesn’t stick up for me like Hanna does for Zeina I don’t f*cking want him," said another fan.
""She tried to downplay it, because she didn't want me to, I don't know, kick his *ss or something. You're not a man, you're not a boy. The word you famously use YOU'RE A B*TCH" Hanna the man you are," added a third.
"Hanna called Ebraheem a b*tch. Saying what we’re all thinking," another wrote.
Some fans of Dubai Bling accredited Hanna as the best character of the season.
"Hanna is so underrated this season, my fav. This is what you call a husband. What a man," an X user wrote.
"Wherever Zeina is you can guarantee Hanna is right behind her. If I can’t have that kind of love I don’t want it," another user wrote.
"Say what you want about Hanna but he doesn’t play about his wife and I love that for him," commented one.
"One thing about Hanna? He WILL stand ten toes down behind his wife and I love it," another wrote.
Hanna and Ebraheem's fight in the Dubai Bling season 3 episode 4
Before going to Farhana's masquerade party in Dubai Bling season 3 episode 4, Zeina warned Hanna not to pick a fight with Ebraheem about the trademark issue because that might prevent him from handing it to them. Hanna told her that he wasn't going to let anyone hurt her.
Then at Farhana's party, Hanna brought it up in front of everyone and called out Ebraheem for doing such a thing to Zeina. He added:
"She tried to downplay it because she didn't want me to, I don't know, kick his *ss or something."
This statement ticked Ebraheem off who stood up from his chair, asking if he heard it right. Hanna also stood up. Ebraheem provoked him to fight and even climbed on top of the table aggressively. In response, Hanna called him a "b*tch" and a "coffee boy."
The other cast members of Dubai Bling tried to dissolve the fight but the yelling continued. Hanna took to a confessional to say that Ebraheem was messing with his family and every time he intended to do that, Hanna would put an end to it.
All three seasons of Dubai Bling are available to stream on Netflix.