Perfect Match season 2 aired its season finale on Friday, June 21, 2024. During the segment, Harry Jowsey opened up about his behavior in the villa and apologized to his former partner, Jessica Vastel, for being dishonest. This was regarding his kiss with fellow cast member, Melinda Berry.
Harry had previously claimed that Melinda was lying about the two of them kissing to get her "15 minutes" in the spotlight. However, during the latest finale segment, producers played back footage of the men's mixer which confirmed that the duo actually kissed.
Fans of the show took to social media and criticized Harry Jowsey for lying about it and for trying to discredit Melinda Berry. One person wrote on X:
"Harry asking producers if they caught the kiss only to on and genuinely gaslight her is clinically insane behavior. Like, no lie #perfectmatch."
"Harry is such a nasty nasty man! The fact that he did kiss Melinda and say all those things to her! Just to turn around and lie and say he didn't and in the process insult Melinda! Nah, this guy should never be on tv again! Very vile and ugly individual! What a loser #perfectmatch," another person wrote.
"The way the kiss scene played out, is giving Harry never really liked Jess fr. It was all for a storyline on the show and post show for a bit. He never asked her to be his gf cause he didn't want her period. Who is with Melinda is the real him, that's what he wanted #perfectmatch," a fan commented.
Perfect Match season 2 fans chimed in on the footage of his kiss with Melinda and appreciated show producers for replaying it during finale episode:
"Diabolical producers saving that Harry kiss footage til the very end what a trash bag he is and Melinda #perfectmatch," a fan wrote.
"Did Harry really thought producers are going to delete that footage/audio of him incriminating himself. These reality tv shows thrives on drama. I thought he knew better than that #perfectmatch," another fan wrote.
"The part that really gets me is Harry telling the producers that "he didn't mean to do it" as if that somehow absolves him from his actions. This is a 30 y/o man with the emotional maturity of a child. #perfectmatch #perfectmatchnetflix," a person mentioned.
Some netizens called Perfect Match star Harry "selfish," and "a manipulator" and brought Melinda to the online discussion.
"The fact that people really believed Harry. Again I say, what the hell did Melinda need to lie for??? Harry isn’t some amazing guy, he has a history of being a sh*tty person. He’s narcissistic, selfish, a manipulator and gaslighter. #PerfectMatch #PerfectMatchNetflix," a fan wrote.
"Harry, Harry, Harry….we all knew you kissed Melinda, we knew you made the pregnant comment and we knew you said you wanted to f*ck her. You and EVERYONE else who tried to dog her out claiming she was “chasing clout” and lying owe her an apology #perfectmatch #perfectmatchnetflix," another fan wrote.
During the Perfect Match finale, Harry also said that while he was grateful for Jessica, he was disappointed and embarrassed by his own behavior which led to the downfall of their relationship.
Perfect Match season 2: Harry and Melinda's kiss revealed during finale
In the season finale of Perfect Match season 2, Harry Jowsey spoke about his experience on the show and said his exit wasn't "the best." He added that he "disappointed" himself and several cast members while on the show.
"And I feel like I should have an attitude of gratitude and be grateful for everything that kind of happened. But most importantly, I'm grateful for Jess. Like, any time I'm around her, it feels like I'm at home," Harry added.
Harry added that he made "silly decisions" and embarrassed himself. Season 2 star further noted that he wasn't honest with someone he cared about and termed his behavior as self-sabotage.
Earlier in the show, Harry told Jessica that although he carried Melinda in his arms and made a comment about her looking good whenever she would get pregnant, he didn't kiss her. However, Melinda told the Love is Blind alum (Jessica) about the kiss and the other comments Jowsey made about her.
This led to the downfall of their relationship and Jessica broke up with Harry in the beginning of Perfect Match episode 10. After the season finale aired, fans took to social media to react to the situation and criticized Harry Jowsey for lying. They also rushed to defend Melinda Berry and applauded the production crew for showcasing the footage.
Episodes of Perfect Match are available to stream on Netflix.