90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days season 7 aired its season finale on Sunday, January 5, 2024. The segment saw Veah meeting Sunny's father and apologizing for abruptly leaving the last time they met. The female cast member explained that she was anxious and had to prioritize her mental health.
Later in the conversation, Sunny and Veah told the male cast member's father that they got engaged and would eventually get married. However, he was not on board with their decision. Fans of the reality show commented on the interaction online and criticized Sunny's father on X.
"Sonny, your father should want you to be happy. His behavior was cruel," one person wrote.
"Yo… Veah sounds/looks like a muppet & has their non existent brain. She put Sunny in a horrible situation with her pushy azz!! While I understand how his dad feels… he wasn’t in Sonny’s life this long.. who needs him… f him too!! Sonny you can do it," a fan commented.
"Sonny's dad is a JERK.... and I'm not even a Veah fan, but you can't control your sons life and who he loves and chooses to be with," a tweet read.
Fans of 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days season 7 reacted to Veah and Sunny bringing the cast member's father cake.
"Veah does not want to apologize to your dad, she wants to throw it in your dad‘s face that you two are engaged. Sonny she is manipulating you and you can’t even see it. She seriously thinks that a chocolate cake is gonna fix everything," a person wrote.
"Sunny…. Dad already doesn’t like Veah ! Her , her cake and her annoying voice won’t change a thing and need to go back to the states !" a fan commented.
"My heart just aches for Sunny. He's alone in his home country. He has no one to lean on for support because he chose Veah. You need to go make peace with your father, Sunny. Blood is thicker than water," a tweet read.
Fans of 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days season 7 further said:
"Sunny's dad is giant tw*t. He wasn't in Sunny's life while growing up and he's speaking about disrespect?! Get tf out. I'm no fan of Sunny or Veah but that guy can f*ck ALLLL the way off," a person wrote.
"Why did Veah need to destroy Sunny's relationship with his father before she left South Africa? I dont get why she wennt out of her way to make sure that relationship was done before she left?" a fan commented.
Sunny's father disapproves of Veah's and his engagement in 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days season 7 episode 13
In 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days season 7 episode 19, Sunny and Veah told Sunny's father about their engagement. He was upset that the couple told him after the fact, and asked whether Veah would convert her religion.
Veah said that when Sunny proposed, he told her she didn't need to. Sunny's father objected and asked his son why he told Veah she didn't need to convert. The 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days season 7 star explained that he didn't want Veah to have to do something she didn't like.
"I don't like," Sunny's father said.
He asked Sunny why he didn't ask Veah to convert, and he said he couldn't change someone if they didn't want to change. Sunny's father insisted that the 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days season 7 star had to convert and that he had to make her understand.
"Unacceptable," Sunny's father told the cameras.
He added that it was not good, the "woman" had to follow the "man," and said people would "shame" Sunny for having a Christian wife. He added that his son's decision brought shame to their family.
He further asked Sunny how he would stay with them after making such a decision and suggested they go their separate ways. Veah asked if Sunny had to choose between his father and his wife, and Sunny's father said yes.
Fans of the reality show commented on Sunny's father's reaction to the couple's engagement and felt bad for Sunny.
Tune in every Sunday to watch new episodes of 90 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days season 7 on TLC.