Beast Games premiered on Prime Video on December 19, 2024, and has released six episodes so far. The reality competition started with 1000 players and now has less than 60 contestants remaining. Several notable faces gained fame during the show's ongoing broadcast, but not all became known for the right reasons.
Jeremy Grant, or Player 991 was one of the four players who turned down a $1 million bribe and while his sacrifice made him popular with a lot of people, his ways did not sit well with some in the following episodes.
In episode 4, titled, The Golden Ticket, when the fourth helicopter arrived to take the contestants to the island the host informed the cast that they needed to put their fate in the hands of another player. The chosen player then would pick 5 contestants to take him with.
While a majority of people chanted Jeremy's name others were reluctant and asked him questions about his process to choose who would move on. The cast member said he would "pray" and it was time to make a decision, he got on one knee and prayed.
Fans of the reality show commented on Jeremy's gameplay online and were critical of it. One person wrote on X:
"JEREMY/991 IS DEFINITELY GIVING CULT LEADER VIBES WITH ALL THAT PREACHING AND SUBTLE MANIPULATION. and f*ck his “cult” followers for pressuring the other contestants."
"Jeremy moves like a cult leader, can’t stand his pretentious a**," a fan commented.
"Jeremy on #BeastGames wouldn’t last two minutes in the uk. Absolute cult leader, huge narcissist, using religion to manipulate them all. Why doesn’t he take his sunglasses off? Definitely has dead eyes. Won’t be watching this again. Turned something fun into a religious circus," a tweet read.
Fans of Beast Games season 1 called him "unhinged":
"Jeremy is an unhinged grifter. I hate that George teamed up with him," a person wrote.
"Jeremy (991) is Satan. Literally," a fan commented.
"#991 is cringe, creepy and almost awful to watch. In the next on they need to vet the people better," a tweet read.
fans of Beast Games season 1 further said:
Contestant number 991 Jeremy aka The Preacher, this boy I'm sure will start a cult or a Church in the US soon," a person wrote.
"Jeremy (991) is using prayer to manipulate these people. He’s weird, and everybody idolizing him," a fan commented.
"That's what Satan does— Beast Games contestant Mia chimes in on Jeremy's gameplay in episode 4
In episode 4 of Beast Games, titled, Golden Ticket, as the fourth helicopter arrived to take more contestants to the private island, Mr. Beast explained that only six of them would be moving on and that one contestant would decide their fate.
The 110 contestants were given a coin each, and one had to collect 100 coins in 10 minutes to claim a spot on the helicopter. The winner would also get to pick five others to join him. As the host explained the task, a majority started chanting Player 911's name and marched over to him to hand him their coins.
However, some Beast Games contestants didn't trust him. Canyon said he didn't want to give his coins to the player because Jeremy "sucks." Mia called player 991 "weird" and unfriendly while Canyon told Mia that Jeremy had "60 people under his thumb" and they were ready to "sacrifice themselves for him."
"That's what Satan does," Mia said.
Other players also expressed uncertainty about giving the Beast Games season 1 contestant their coins. One person claimed that Jeremy wouldn't pick any girls, while others praised Player 991. 930 aka Patrick told the cameras that Jeremy would be their "leader" and that he believed in his "brother."
"The Lord has all of you on my heart, y'all," Jeremy said as players continued to give him coins.
Looking over from a distance, Canyon called the people surrounding Jeremy his "congregation" and termed his tactics "manipulative." Mia added that he looked like a "cult leader" while another player told them she gave him her coin even though she didn't want to.
Fans of Beast Games commented on Jeremy's gameplay online and compared him to a "cult leader."
Beast Games has aired 6 episodes so far and is set to air episode 7 this week on Thursday, January 23, 2025, on Prime Video.