Love Never Lies: South Africa aired its season finale on Friday, December 6, 2024. The segment saw the six couples reunite after spending time getting to know other singles on the show. Ahead of being reunited, Pretty commented on Siya's behavior and insisted that he cheated on her.
While several cast members defended Siya, the cast member was adamant that Siya crossed certain lines during their time on the show. However, when the two reunited, they expressed their love for one another and resolved their issues.
Fans of the reality show commented on Siya and Pretty's behavior in the season finale of the Netflix show, and urged Siya to break up with his girlfriend. One person wrote on X:
"The way Pretty talks about Siya, you’d think she’s being forced to be with him. So emotionally abusive"
"Go find happiness Siya! Pretty is damaging to your heart, manhood and self-esteem," a fan commented.
"Every day Pretty makes sure to be the weapon formed against Siya’s self esteem. He disgusts her so much," a tweet read.
Fans of Love Never Lies: South Africa felt Pretty "belittles" Siya:
"Pretty belittles Siya every chance she gets! She is so vile and hides behind's loving him while he is the reason why he lost his confidence and bows to her," a person wrote.
"Pretty can be assertive and confident without towering over Siya with her hurtful words and volume," a fan commented.
"This relationship is not make sure Yoh. Pretty is always talking down at Siya and lowkey resents herself for choosing him because he’s really not her type," a tweet read.
Fans of Love Never Lies: South Africa further said:
"Pretty says she hopes Siya comes back as a better man for her, what about you sisi?! Zero accountability, Siya must run for the hills!" a person wrote.
"is pretty … self aware?" a fan commented.
"He was blaming me"— Pretty talks about Siya's comments in Love Never Lies: South Africa finale
In the season finale of Love Never Lies: South Africa titled, Time to Come Clean, residents of Villa Umjolo discussed what their partners had to say after watching their clips in a ceremony.
While speaking to the rest of the cast, Pretty asked if they noticed Siya acknowledged that he cheated on her. The rest of the Love Never Lies: South Africa villa Umjolo residents disagreed and told her he didn't acknowledge anything. She added that he blamed her for everything, while Nikiwe told her he didn't blame her for anything.
"He was blaming me. He was saying Pretty can't communicate," she added.
Kuda responded that Siya didn't cheat but the Love Never Lies: South Africa star said Siya did cheat. The others explained that while he "messed up" by flirting with other women, he did not cheat on Pretty. Nikiwe further reassured her that Siya loved Pretty.
"You saw the look on his face when he saw you rubbing oil on people. He wanted to faint," Nikiwe added.
In a confessional, Pretty chimed in on her and Siya's individual journeys while on the Netflix reality show. She said she hoped he had learned to be more confident in himself.
"I really hope that he comes back a better person for me," she added.
Fans reacted to Pretty's statement online and were critical of the female cast member. They termed her "emotionally abusive," and felt the two would be better apart.
Love Never Lies: South Africa will air its reunion special on Netflix on Sunday at 11 am ET.