The Circle season 7 premiered exclusively on Netflix on September 11, 2024. Since then, the show has hooked viewers with its unexpected twists. In this social media game, contestants compete to become the top influencers through their strategy by playing as themselves or as a catfish.
The top influencer has the advantage of blocking one of the contestants and sending them home. However, to become one, these players must establish strong alliances and maintain an impression of a loyal, trustworthy contestant. This title on The Circle is given based on votes. During the first few episodes, one of the top influencers, Gianna, had fellow cast member Rachel's back.
The 26-year-old Rachel is a catfish played by 54-year-old Deb from Pittsburgh. Her journey throughout the show took many turns, especially when she was declared the disruptor and had to switch profiles with fellow cast member Madelyn.
In a conversation with Sportskeeda, The Circle contestant Debbie Schwartzberg reflected on her experience on the show. Given the chance to become part of the Netflix competition series again, Deb shared whether she would play as herself or as a catfish. She said:
"You know, there's something to be said about being a catfish that allows you. I think hiding behind a catfish allows a little more freedom to kind of really go and be a little more crazy. I think it would be fun to be myself as well."
Deb talks about playing as Rachel on The Circle season 7
Q. What made you interested in joining The Circle? Were you a fan of the show, or did someone recommend it to you?
It was the second. One of my best friends, her daughter is like a daughter to me - I watched her grow up - and she called me and said, 'My all-time favorite reality TV show is casting. I'm telling you, Deb, that you need to go on this.' And to be honest, I had not watched it. So, that was kind of fun. She was like, 'Oh, c'mon, just watch a little bit.' So, I watched some previews and a couple of things, and I thought, you know what, why not? I'm 54 years old. How many chances do you get to do something like this? So I said to her, I'll apply. What's the worst that's gonna happen?
Q. As you mentioned, you had not followed every season of The Circle before applying. What was your perspective going into the show?
Well, I have watched it now. I watched every season after. But I was not one of those super fans. I tried to figure the game out as best as I could. Going in, I just thought I would love it. It would have been fun to see myself, the younger version of myself, with social media. I thought that might be a fun way to go in, trying to fit in with the young kids and see if I could keep up with them and play games with them.
Q. Was it difficult for you to play as Rachel, a 26-year-old? Were you confident in yourself to communicate as someone who was in their 20s on The Circle?
Yes, I went in confident. I was like, 'Oh, I can do this, right?' Within the first day, I went, 'Oh no,' but then it just kinda became, you know what? I kind of had to take a shift - Alright, stop trying to keep up with them, and now just be you and use social media as you would.
Q. Did you plan on playing as a catfish on The Circle ahead of time, or was it in the moment kind of decision?
Ahead of time, I thought being the mom would be kind of too easy to block. You know, they wouldn't wanna tell me things. And I thought it would be fun to see if I could keep up with the kids as a kid.
Q. If you were to make one phone call on The Circle, who would you have talked to?
That's interesting. I hadn't thought about that. So, from a heart standpoint, I probably would've wanted to make a phone call to my husband and be like, 'I miss you so much.' But if I was trying to get help, it would be my kids, I'd be like, 'I think I'm messing this up, I need your help.' But that's interesting. I wonder if that would have changed my game at all.
Q. What was your favorite part about The Circle format?
You know what's funny? I really liked the games we played. I know it seems funny because you're not physically in the room with them, but it's such a surprise. You're playing these games, you're wondering. You're making your own answers, you're wondering what the other answers are. And it is truly jaw-dropping because you know when you're playing a game with someone, you're trying to read their body language - how are they gonna do their next move? We don't get to see that. So, we are literally just stunned by gameplay.
Q. While talking to The Circle players, did you go along with who they said they were, or did you have a different image of them in your mind?
So, I definitely got everybody wrong. I kind of believed everybody who they were. I just kind of went into it that way. Except for Kevin, for some reason, I immediately was like, he's not real. Why? I don't know. So, the images that I saw, that was in my head, I kind of went with that because it made it easier to envision that's who you're talking to. Even though I knew other ones could be catfish, I envisioned that person sitting there having a conversation with me.
Q. Now, let's talk about your alliances on The Circle. Do you think it was a wise decision to trust Gianna?
I think it was the best decision I could have made. Especially now, watching the episodes, Gianna kept me in the game. I think I would have been out very quickly. I trusted them. I don't think I would've been in the game as long as I was if it wasn't for them. The first blocking they were in, they saved me. I could sense the loyalty. Gianna was all about loyalty.
Q. Apart from Gianna, who did you connect with the most on The Circle?
I love Savannah, obviously. Her story is truly inspirational. I think she's wonderfully fun-loving and silly, you know, I just love her attitude about life. She went through a lot, and she's just an inspiration, that she just has this positive outlook. And I mean, she's amazing.
Q. Did you get close to Madelyn after you both became disruptors? Can we expect fun moments between you both in the upcoming The Circle episodes?
Yes, a hundred percent. What was kind of fun was to be able to go into her pictures and stuff and kinda get more of a sense of her. And so when it was done, I felt like, 'Oh okay, this is another person that I really like.' You know, I think that you'll see some really funny things happening.
Q. If you had the chance to go back and change one thing, what would it be? Or are you satisfied with the decisions you took on The Circle?
You know what? I'm actually happy with everything. Obviously, I think there's a couple of different moves that... Not with Gianna. I would have kept everything the same with Gianna. Maybe I should have made some different moves, but truthfully, overall, I'm pretty satisfied with everything. Maybe I would have tried to make stronger alliances here and there, but I don't know. I think, pretty much, I'm happy with the way things turned out.
Q. Are you in contact with any of The Circle cast members?
Yes, I'm in contact with all of them. To me, they're like my kids. I'm being very mom with them. You know, I feel a very mom feeling towards the entire cast. I'm enjoying their updates and the things they are doing. I really enjoy it when they share pictures and stuff. It's really nice.
Q. If Netflix reached out to you to join The Circle spinoff, for example, would you be willing to become a part of this series again?
I would definitely do this again, a hundred percent.
Q. Describe The Circle finale in one word.
It's kind of a combined word - out of control.
The Circle season 7 episodes 1 to 8 are available on Netflix. The upcoming episodes 9 to 12 will be released on September 25, 2024, and the finale episode will air on October 2, 2024.