Summer House season 8 aired its season finale on Thursday, May 30, 2024. During the segment, for which cameras were picked up again after the show officially wrapped filming, Carl Radke and Lindsay Hubbard were seen having a difficult conversation and ending their relationship.
The episode saw the two of them arguing while on vacation with the rest of the cast and Lindsay told Danielle that it seemed like Carl wanted her to be someone she wasn't. Once back in New York, the two sat down for a conversation and ended things.
The Bravo show wrapped up the season with the female cast members rallying around a heartbroken Lindsay and helping her throughout the breakup. Fans of the show took to social media to react to the segment and speculated that cameras were picked back up to film the breakup, which they were unhappy about.
They also believed that Carl contacted production to film the duo's conversation, however, in the latest episode, he texted Paige and said that he did not.
One netizen wrote on X:
"They are done filming at this point. Carl had to coordinate filming with production, not once (with his family), not twice (with Kyle), but three times (to end things with Lindsay) to complete this narrative that Lindsay is evil. He's diabolical #SummerHouse."
"HELP ME HERE. Lindsay stood in that kitchen and asked him point blank if he still wanted to get married. He couldn’t be honest with her .. without the little pep talk from Kyle? Getting production involved? #Summerhouse," another person wrote.
"Carl is diabolical tbh. to have production text Kyle & pretend he hadn’t made up his mind ab dumping Lindsay, to have her ready to be on camera & have a 'conversation' only to end their engagement & relationship AND accuse her of wanting him to relapse? disgusting #SummerHouse," a fan wrote.
Summer House season 8 fans believed that Carl Radke was sure of his decision to end things with Lindsay Hubbard and they were confused about why he initially stated that he just wanted to postpone the wedding.
"Production called Kyle Tuesday to setup a sit down with Carl. He told Amanda afterwards, 'it doesn’t look good', and Carl then breaks up with Lindsay the next day. Very clear he intended to end things, not sure why he said he only wanted to postpone the wedding. #SummerHouse," a fan wrote.
"Even if it had been off camera.. that is not the way to call off an engagement or even break up with a gf/bf. But calling production so he could publicly humiliate Lindsay was vile #SummerHouse," another fan mentioned.
"I know it’s hard to believe Lindsay was blindsided by the breakup but 48 hrs earlier Carl told her he still wanted to get married & I don’t think she was expecting him to call production 2 days later & do it on camera while listing ways that she’s an awful person #SummerHouse," a X user wrote.
While a majority of Summer House fans were against the male cast member, several others pointed out that Lindsay "knew it was going down."
"People saying that Carl surprised Lindsay and calling production, that girl is smart especially in PR. This did not catch her off guard. She knew it was going down. #SummerHouse," a fan wrote.
"I’m glad Carl called production. We got to see how the conversation played out, regardless of our perspectives. They’d had brought back up the cameras anyways as it happened 5 days after the finale. Had that not been done, Lindsay would’ve got away with her narrative.#SummerHouse," another fan commented.
Lindsay and Carl break up in Summer House season 8 finale
In the season finale for Summer House season 8, Carl spoke to Lindsay about being unsure about their relationship and the two of them got into an argument.
Once they were back in New York, they sat down to talk things out and Lindsay told him she didn't want to fight with him. She added that it wasn't helping either of them. The Summer House cast member said that Carl's needs changed in the past two weeks, during which it felt like he started seeing her as the "enemy."
Carl assured her he didn't see her as the enemy but wished she was more comforting and supportive of his career choices. The Summer House season 8 cast member listed the ideas he told Lindsay about but she shot down, including that of a "sober bar."
The Summer House stars got into another argument and the conversation soon took a turn. Lindsay recalled a conversation where Carl said he didn't know why he proposed to her in the first place. After a lot of back and forth, Carl told her he didn't want to go ahead with the wedding and ended the relationship.
"We are supposed to be married in two and a half months and I'm not ready to do that. I don't feel comfortable and I'm really unhappy. And I don't think our communication is going to improve," he said.
In an interview with US Weekly, in November 2023, Summer House star Lindsay shared that she was completely "blindsided" by the breakup and that Carl didn't give her a concrete reason for calling off the wedding. She called the breakup "absolutely humiliating" and mentioned that it was "scary" that Carl called producers and set up cameras to "manipulate" her into having a conversation to end things with her.
"It would’ve been one thing if this conversation happened over the summer during the normal filming schedule. But for [Carl] to call up producers and then set up cameras and manipulate me into sitting down [so he could break up with me] after we’d already wrapped is scary. The whole world found out within 30 minutes of me," she said.
After the episode aired, fans of the show took to social media to support Lindsay through the breakup and criticized Carl for breaking up with her on camera. They further hailed the female cast members, including Gabby and Paige, who supported Lindsay.
All episodes of Summer House season 8 are available to stream on Peacock.