Episode 8 of The Braxtons, titled Cheers to the Braxtons, aired on September 27 on WeTV. The episode featured Towanda's engagement and a touching moment where Tamar spoke to her late sister Traci through a medium. Tamar revealed she was the last to learn about Traci's cancer, which upset her. She admitted to having issues with Traci but didn't expect to be excluded from such important news. Tamar became emotional during the session with the medium, Taz.
Traci said sorry for not letting her know. Tearing up, Tamar said she was sorry for not being the sister she always wanted to be. Fans of The Braxtons took to X to react to the whole encounter. Some sent love and power to Tamar while others were happy she got her closure.
"I feel bad for Tamar and see this is why you have to give people their flowers and love while they are still here," said one fan.
"Tamar just pray for forgiveness and ask God to heal your heart. God loves you and so does Traci. Enjoy the sisters and time you have left!" said another.
"I find it hard to believe that Tamar didn’t know her, and Traci wasn’t in a good space…," a comment read.
"Tamar needed to hear why Traci didn’t tell Tamar about her cancer! That’s good Taz could deliver that message for her," another comment read.
Some The Braxtons fans questioned Tamar for not actually asking Traci why she didn't tell her about her illness. Some asked why Phil talked on her behalf.
"Why couldn’t Tamar have just asked Traci about why she didn’t tell her sooner that she was sick?!" a fan wrote.
"Now why is the guy speaking about Tamar’s issues with Traci instead of Tamar explaining it to the lady???" said another.
"See, Tamar wasn't being dishonest about her last moments with Traci, as her sister's somewhat made it seem," wrote another.
"Whatttttt is Tamar finally taking accountability and acknowledging the wrong on her part???? Shocking (bet it won’t last long and it hasn’t)," an X user wrote.
Tamar's conversation with Traci through the medium on The Braxtons season 5 episode 8
As soon as the medium Taz connected to Traci, she said she was very emotional. She then said she was sorry for doing things she could have done differently. She added that she loved "each and every one" of them. She further explained that she felt like Tamar was her baby and when one has a baby one protects it and that was what she did with Tamar. Lastly, she added that she wanted Tamar to know she was loved and protected.
Tamar teared up as said she regretted not being the sister she wanted to be to Traci. Traci said that they had issues like any other family but they were never too big and added that she knew Tamar loved her. Tamar said that they had their differences but towards the end, she tried being a good sister to her, she just didn't think that was enough to make it right.
Traci said she cherished the last moments she spent with Tamar. She consoled her sister saying the moments they spent together mattered, not the time. She parted ways wishing to see her family united.
New episodes of The Braxtons come out on Fridays, at 9:30 ET, on WeTV.