Beast Games season 1 aired episode 6, titled, Physical, Mental, Chance...Your Choice, on Thursday, January 16, 2025. The segment saw the remaining 52 players divide themselves up into groups depending on what kind of a game they wanted to play next.
Each game had three challenges, and as the host noted, half of the 52 players, were to be eliminated. The players who picked "Mental" category had to take an intelligence test that determined their order in the first game, which was trivia.
Starting from who scored the highest, the players had to pick their opponents and a category to compete in. Akira (player 539) picked 406 and won. However, the host offered him to "run it back" for an additional 50,000 but he refused. He explained that ever since the cast returned from the vacation, he had a mission.
"I finished that mission, Akira said.
"You're questioning their ethics in the cubes?"— Jimmy asks Akira about picking Player 406 for trivia in episode 6 in Beast Games
In Beast Games season 1 episode 6, those who picked mental had to take an intelligence test. Based on the rankings of the test, the players chose their opponents and the category.
While the first two players chose the lowest scorers to compete against and lost, player 830 broke the pattern and chose someone from the middle of the ranks. Player 539 was up next and Jimmy aka Mr. Beast asked him what he was thinking.
The Beast Games season 1 contestant said that when the host had given them an offer to choose the private island or have a vacation, he opted to go on a vacation because he "had a mission to carry out."
Akira stated that a lot of the other cast members knew what that mission was and said he was there to "finish it off." He added that if he went home in the process, at least he "tried."
The Beast Games contestant picked Player 406 and Mr. Beast asked about Player 539's mission. The contestant said he had heard a lot of things from other players in the cubes, and that he felt some contestants didn't play with as much "honesty" and "integrity" as others.
"You're questioning their ethics in the cubes?" Jimmy asked.
Akira said yes and added that he would rather know he gave it a shot to take him out and if he was eliminated, it would be okay as well. The Beast Games host replied that it was going to be "interesting" to watch and he could "feel the tension" in the room.
Seeing how focused 406 was, Jimmy asked him if he knew how to blink and the contestant responded, "No." The host asked Akira if it was "freaking" him out because it was "kind of freaking" the host out. Other cast members chimed in from the sidelines and said that Jimmy was nervous. Player 359 picked "Sports" as the category that decided his and 406's fate in the game.
The question was, "With 18, which NBA team had won the most championships?" Player 406 pressed the buzzer first and answered, "L.A. Lakers." The host informed him that his answer was incorrect, which gave 539 a chance to respond to the question.
Akira said," Boston Celtics," which was the correct answer. The Beast Games season 1 host gave him a "big offer."
"You can leave. Guaranteed move on. He's eliminated. Done, or you can take $50,000 in cash. But you have to run it back for one more question against him," Jimmy said.
Player 406 urged player 359 to "run it back," while others urged him not to. Player 406 added that if Akira was trying to "make a statement," they should do a "best two out of three." However, Player 359 declined saying it wasn't about the money. He mentioned that he fulfilled his mission and could hopefully help someone else win the grand prize in the future.
Tune in every Thursday to watch new episodes of Beast Games season 1 on Prime Video.