MTV's The Challenge: Battle of the Eras, also known as season 40, aired part one of its reunion special this week on January 16, 2025. The segment saw the cast return to screens after Jordon, Jenny, and Rachel won the season last week and took home the grand prize.
As the cast reunited, they went around talking about their experience and Tina spoke about the show's evolution since she had first started competing. As she spoke, Nehemiah abruptly walked off stage but forgot to take his mic off.
While no footage of what happened backstage was shown, the sounds of the cast member throwing up could be heard by the rest of the cast.
Fans of the MTV reality competition reacted to Nehemiah falling sick while filming the segment online.
"The reunion starting with a hungover Nehemiah leaving the stage to go throw up with his mic still on.. I’m flabbergasted MTV," one person wrote on X.
"Nehemiah throwing up??? Oh he had a TIME," a fan commented.
"All this screaming I thought nehemiah threw up on stage lmfaoooo," a tweet read.
Fans of The Challenge season 40 called the situation a "beautiful mess":
"The chaos of “And Nehemiah’s gone” is killing me. This reunion is a beautiful mess just like the season!" a person wrote.
"Nehemiah throwing up every 5 minutes is insane. I hope he feels better," a fan commented.
"wtf is up with nehemiah must've had way too much fun night before out there in Amsterdam," a tweet read.
Fans of The Challenge season 40 further said:
"Nehemiah really said “idc if im sick… im gonna go talk some sh*t," a person wrote.
"Nehemiah is really throwing up at the reunion and they showed it and let us hear it. GROSS," a fan commented.
Nehemiah rejoins The Challenge season 40 cast after being checked out by a doctor
During part 1 of The Challenge season 40 reunion special, Nehemiah walked off stage while Tina was talking about how the show had changed since she had first joined the franchise. She said it had "gone to sh*t," but before she could continue, Nehemiah abruptly left.
The host, Maria Menounos said they had "lost" the reality star, while Johnny Bananas explained that he had stage fright.
Olivia explained that the cast member was hungover and about to get sick. Since the male competitor in The Challenge: Battle of the Eras forgot to take off his mic, sounds of him throwing up in a bucket could be heard on stage.
As Tina continued her answer, a male cast member said someone should cut Nehemiah's mic. Tina asked what was said, and Tori Deal explained that the reality star was throwing up backstage and they could hear him.
"No way!" Maria said.
She added that they could get someone to check on The Challenge: Battle of the Eras cast member while Jordon suppressed a laugh. Later in the episode, Nehemiah rejoined the cast after being checked by a doctor.
Several other notable things happened during the episode, including two couples revealing their relationship status. Devin and Michele and Theo and Olivia revealed that they were still together, while Devin and Michele got into an argument with Bananas about interfering in their relationship.
Fans of the reality show commented on Nehemiah getting sick during the segment online, and were shocked to hear noises of him throwing up during the reunion.
Tune in next week for The Challenge: Battle of the Eras reunion part 2 on January 22, 2025, on MTV.