Survivor season 47 aired its latest episodes on Wednesday, October 23, 2024. The segment featured the castaways plotting against Rome, which ultimately led to his departure from the show. The cast members finalized Rome as their primary target after he tried to throw Kyle under the bus by misquoting him and turning others against him.
However, Rome's plan failed when Kyle won the immunity challenge, saving himself from the impending tribal council. Rome then switched his target to Sol, but the castaways continued to plot against him without his knowledge.
Kyle outperformed six other contestants, Genevieve, Sam, Sierra, Rachel, Sue, and Teeny, to secure immunity. He was thrilled with his win, knowing if he had been in the risk zone, Rome would have attempted to backdoor him. Survivor season 47 fans took to X to celebrate Kyle's victory. One fan on X tweeted:
"Yay for Kyle!! I'm so happy for Kyle! He deserves everything he's winning tonight!"
Several other fans expressed their joy at Kyle winning the challenge.
"YES KYLE WINS IMMUNITY," another fan commented.
"YES KYLE!! The greenest flag human gets the W," a netizen tweeted.
Meanwhile, other Survivor fans were impressed by Kyle's performance and claimed he deserved to win the immunity.
"A very impressive showing by Kyle. Very impressive indeed," a user reacted.
"Kyle, without his vote and with Rome throwing him under the bus, wins immunity!!!" a person commented.
"Very impressive win from Kyle," another fan wrote.
"Kyle Ostwald congrats on your win. Sue gave him a run for his money," a user tweeted.
Some Survivor season 47 fans reacted to Kyle revealing he had a Batman logo tattooed on his back that looked like the immunity neckpiece.
"Kyle having the immunity idol on his back is next level super fan lol," a person reacted.
"Bat in the front, Bat on his back. Immunity destiny for Kyle," another netizen commented.
What led to Kyle's immunity victory in Survivor season 47 episode 6?
At the start of the episode, Kyle was Rome's primary target. After the Gata and Lavo castaways were brought to Tuku's turf for the expected merge stage of the game, Rome took it upon himself to gather information on the contestants. Soon, he approached Sue and informed her that Kyle believed she and Caroline were not doing well socially.
The Survivor star then went over to Tiyana and Sam to let them know Kyle saw them as the biggest threats. These disclosures raised doubts among the players about Kyle's intentions. However, Sol disrupted Rome's plan by informing Tiyana, "This is what Rome does. He stirs the pot...This is how he plays this game."
After Kyle heard what was happening, he confessed the truth to all in Rome's absence, saying Rome twisted his words.
"He [Rome] told me that he thinks Tiyana is the most dangerous girl 'cause she's able to mingle with everybody," Kyle said.
The Survivor star added that he did not "bash" Caroline and Sue either. He only commented on their "mother and daughter" relationship. With that said, Kyle cleared his name but knew he needed to evade elimination.
For the pre-merge team challenge, Kyle was put on the yellow team with Sierra, Rachel, Sam, Sue, and Teeny. Rome was added to the blue team with Caroline Andy, Gabe, Tiyana, and Sol. Despite putting their best foot forward, the blue team lost due to Gabe and Rome's inability to maintain their pace in the challenge.
As the challenge's winners, the yellow team earned a feast and was allowed to play for individual immunity. To secure immunity, they had to outlast the others by balancing themselves on a beam while balancing a ball on a narrow and curved object.
Sierra dropped her ball first, followed by Sam. In the second round, the remaining players were given a narrower beam to stand on. Rachel, Genevieve, and Teeny failed in the second round while Sue and Kyle advanced to the next.
In the final round, Sue struggled to maintain her balance and dropped her ball. As a result, Kyle was declared the winner. He was given the first immunity and a new purple tribe buff.
Survivor season 47 airs every Wednesday at 8 pm ET exclusively on CBS.