Love Never Lies: South Africa, Netflix's latest reality show featuring a predominantly South African cast aired Episodes 1 to 6 on the streaming platform on Friday, November 29, 2024. In the last episode of the batch, the residents of Villa Umgowo saw what their partners had been up to in Villa Umjolo.
Clayton was shown clips of his partner Wilfred interacting with a single named Thabang. In the clips, Thabang told Wilfred he loved him and in another clip, the latter told a female cast member he felt like he would be able to "do things" because he was "h*rny" and that his boyfriend wasn't there. Minnie asked how Clayton felt about the situation.
"I'm just disgusted, like, because why is pillow talking? And the fact that he's stupid enough to do that, is like, it's kind of annoying me," he replied.
Clayton reacts to clips of Wilfred and Thabang together in Love Never Lies: South Africa Episode 6
In Love Never Lies: South Africa Episode 6, titled, That's So Disrespectful, residents of Villa Umgowo were shown clips of their partners' time in Villa Umjolo. This included Clayton watching segments of his partner, Wilfred getting to know Thabang.
The host Minnie informed the Love Never Lies: South Africa star that Wilfred was asked whether he belittled Clayton and he said no. According to the EyeDetect test, the cast member was being truthful, which added 10000 Rand to the prize fund.
Clayton said he knew his partner was sometimes a "tit for tat" person but whenever he would realize the Love Never Lies: South Africa star was hurt in any way, Wilfred would apologize.
The Love Never Lies: South Africa Season 1 cast member was shown another clip during which, Thabang told Wilfred he was hoping "for more" at some point. Wilfred asked him what that meant and Thabang said he hadn't kissed anyone in a long time.
"Okay, no worries. I will work on that. Yoh, why am I blushing?" Wilfred said.
In a confessional that was shown to Clayton, Wilfred said that his and Thabang's conversation flowed and that there were no awkward moments. In the following clip, Wilfred told the single he liked it when people whose native language wasn't Afrikaans spoke the language. He added that he thought it was the "cutest" and the "s*xiest" thing.
While speaking in Afrikaans, he said he loved Wilfred. In another clip, Thabang and Wilfred were in bed when someone knocked. Wilfred yelled at them not to enter since Thabang was "naked."
Minnie asked Clayton how the clip made him feel and the Love Never Lies: South Africa cast member said he was "disgusted." He wondered why his partner would indulge in pillow talk and called him "stupid" to be doing it. Minnie further asked whether the flirting bothered him.
"It would have, but I feel like my journey here has kind of taught me that just because you build a connection with someone, doesn't mean that you can't love your partner and can't choose your partner," he said.
The Love Never Lies: South Africa host told Clayton that Wilfred was asked another question. He was asked whether Clayton's actions on the Netflix show made him reconsider proposing to him. Clayton truthfully said yes, adding 10000 Rand to the prize fund.
Minnie asked whether it was "fair" and Clayton believed it was. He said if Wilfred had done the things he did, he wouldn't have liked it. She asked him whether Wilfred was trying to get back at him in some way and Clayton explained that they both had "abandonment issues."
He said as much as he was nervous about people leaving him, he was also nervous about people leaving him. Minnie showed another clip to the Love Never Lies: South Africa cast member during which, Wilfred told Thabang he would have proposed to Clayton the following year if they had not participated in the show.
"Now I'm taking a step back, because that solid ground is not there, then why would I propose and why would I then marry someone if we don't have trust, if we don't have solid ground, we can't even communicate," he said.
While reacting to the clip, Clayton said he believed he put his partner through "a lot." He added that he made Wilfred fight for their relationship alone and that it was high time things changed because the Love Never Lies: South Africa star deserved more.
Fans can watch the couple's journey unfold on Love Never Lies: South Africa. Episodes of the same are available to stream on Netflix.