The Great British Bake Off, also known as The Great British Baking Show, is currently airing season 15 on Channel 4. The baking competition released episode 2 earlier this week on Monday, October 1, 2024. The theme was Biscuit Week and as part of the Showstopper challenge, the contestants had to create edible puppet theaters.
Georgie, who had created the Welsh Festival Biscuit Puppet Theater, recently opened up about her experience filming the segment online. In an Instagram post uploaded on October 2, 2024, she said that Biscuit Week was "exceptionally" hard. The baker said that her necklace that she wore daily broke which caused her to have a meltdown.
"I didn't want to finish the challenge, I wanted to call it quits. The team were absolutely amazing, Alison and Noel held me and comforted me," Georgie wrote.
The cast member explained the significance of the necklace and shared that in 2021, her "little girl" was stillborn at 25 weeks. She added that it was a "mother daughter necklace" with her "hand and footprint" on it.
The Great British Bake Off season 15 star Georgie opens up about "exceptionally hard" Biscuit Week challenge
In a recent Instagram post, The Great British Bake Off season 15 contestant Georgie mentioned about doing something she wouldn't even imagine "attempting." The baker shared details of her journey and said that for her, it consumed "almost all of the showstopper" in episode 2.
The Great British Bake Off season 15 contestant clarified that her story was not a "sob story" or an "excuse" for doing poorly but that she wanted to explain something.
"And with it being baby loss awareness week next week, it feels appropriate to share awareness. In March 2021, my life changed forever when my little girl was stillborn at 25 weeks," she wrote.
Georgie explained that her necklace, which she wore in memory of her daughter broke in the middle due to which, she had a meltdown. The Great British Bake Off season 15 contestant appreciated the team's efforts in handing the situation well.
She said that Alison and Noel held her and pushed her to continue. After the challenge, they found pieces of the necklace and the team kept them safe for her. Georgie revealed that someone ran out to buy her a new chain.
"After this I just couldn’t stop the tears from flowing for the rest of the challenge, which is why I look so puffy and ugly, but I continued to carry on but I couldn’t give it my all," she added.
The Great British Bake Off season 15 contestant praised her cast members and said she was "lucky" to have made the "best friends." She added that Lily dragged her out of the "gutter" when she needed.
Speaking about her creation for the Showstopper challenge, Georgie said she wanted to create "something special." The Great British Bake Off season 15 baker apologized for not being able to give her best in the challenge and said she didn't want any "sympathy."
The season 15 participant also revealed that she was not the only baker in the competition who had lost a child. She said she found out later in the show that Nelly dedicated her showstopper creation to her "angels."
"She shared her gried with me and we got up and carried on," Georgie wrote.
Several of Georgie's cast members commented on the Instagam post, offering support. Mike Wilkins praised her strength and said he was proud to call her the "bestest of friends." Illiyian wrote that she would light a candle for Avery and assured the cast member that her daughter would be "so proud of her Mama."
Episodes of The Great British Bake Off season 15 air weekly on Mondays on Channel 4.