Jersey Shore: Family Vacation aired a new episode on Thursday, December 5, 2024. In the episode, the cast attended Deena's house party in Miami. While everyone mingled, Sammi and Justin, who got engaged two weeks prior, pulled Pauly aside to inform him about their engagement. Sammi needed Pauly's help to prank everyone with her engagement announcement.
Sammi wanted to announce her engagement uniquely. However, she struggled to orchestrate a foolproof plan so she sought Pauly, the prank war champion's, help. After much thinking, Pauly designed a plan to surprise everyone with a fake proposal, including a 'marry me' sign and fireworks during dinner.
Pauly then asked Sammi to act like she was against a public proposal, leaving the others confused and worried. Sammi successfully pulled off the act, and right when everyone was staring at each other in disbelief, she showed them her ring and revealed they had been pranked.
Jersey Shore: Family Vacation fans took to X to react to the fake engagement prank. While many praised Pauly's idea, others commented on the cast members' expressions.
"Planning a fake engagement in 4 hours is INSANE! This is the best prank lol. Almost up there with the “Inside, outside, outside, inside” prank in seaside lol," a fan wrote.
"That gave me chills the prank reveal was so cute," another fan commented.
"I love this prank the roommates are trying to keep everything a secret and @SammiSweetheart knows everything," a netizen tweeted.
Many Jersey Shore: Family Vacation fans praised Pauly's creative idea.
"Just leave it to @DJPaulyD for being the best prank war champion!!!!" a user reacted.
"And now we see why he’s the greatest prank war champion of all time Level 2 and GO!!!" a person commented.
"Pauly and @SammiSweetheart are the prank war champions," another fan wrote.
Other Jersey Shore: Family Vacation fans reacted to the successful execution of the prank.
"Yay those shocked faces were priceless, @JENNIWOWW mouth wide open. Everyone is so happy, we all love you Sammi and want the best for you. Prank War Champ lives on Pauly," one user posted.
"I love pranks this time of the year the roommates were convinced this was a real proposal. @SammiSweetheart and Pauly did such a good job planning and executing this prank. I’m happy she’s engaged IRL," a person reacted.
"Everybody was blown away by @SammiSweetheart's acting during the prank!!" another netizen commented.
"The wheels are turning" — Jersey Shore: Family Vacation star Pauly on planning a prank
Sammi wanted her engagement announcement to be a prank. However, when she could not figure out a plan, she sought Pauly's help. Pauly, the "prank war champion," was more than happy to assist. Sammi then revealed her engagement to Pauly and told him she wanted to do something unexpected for its announcement.
"Hearing the words prank and engagement, like, the wheels are turning in this prank brain of mine," Pauly said.
Pauly decided to trick everyone into thinking Justin would propose to Sammi during dinner. Consequently, he asked for their help in making arrangements and setting everything up. However, none of them knew Sammi was already engaged and that the proposal was only a setup.
Sammi worried the Jersey Shore: Family Vacation cast would get angry seeing their plans go to waste, but Pauly assured her they would eventually come around and be happy for her.
Before dinner, Pauly met Sammi and asked her to put on a fake act of disliking the proposal idea. Sammi worried she would laugh and break character. Hence, she practiced her scene with Justin, hoping everyone was convinced of her acting skills.
During dinner, when the 'marry me' sign was revealed, Sammi asked Justin:
"Wait. Why would you do this?"
The cast members stared in disbelief, wondering if Sammi would reject Justin's proposal. When Sammi pretended to criticize Justin for making a public proposal, he said:
"That's why I did it two weeks ago."
Sammi then showed everyone her ring to reveal they were pranked. Later, they cheered for her and congratulated her on her engagement.
Jersey Shore: Family Vacation airs every Thursday at 8 pm ET only on MTV.