Love is Blind season 7 aired the first set of episodes on Wednesday, October 2, 2024. The segment saw single contestants from Washington D.C. start their respective journeys as they fell in love, sight unseen. While most cast members' journeys in the pods went without a hitch, others found themselves in complicated situations.
Leo Braudy was attracted to two women, Brittany Wisniewski, and Hannah Jiles. However, the latter decided to pursue her other connection, Nick D. When she broke the news to Leo, the cast member questioned Hannah's relationship with Nick and said that although he had another connection, he was "still f*cking" there with her.
Fans reacted to Leo "spiralling" when Hannah broke up with her and called him a "red flag." One person wrote on X:
"Leo is insanely manipulative - because Hannah shut him down, he’s now upset that the decision isn’t down to him. He’s so WEIRD"
"i actually lost ten billion neurons watching and listening to leo manipulate hannah… this is such a sick man," a fan commented.
"I hate every single part of Leo’s plea to Hannah right now. It’s incredibly condescending while simultaneously love bombing. This is an insane crash out," a tweet read.
Fans of Love is Blind season 7 said Leo "love bombed" Hannah:
"Leo love bombed, manipulated and guilted Hannah and that was very uncomfortable to watch. Hannah and Brittany need to run tf away from this man," a person wrote.
"watching the episode of #LoveIsBlind where leo is coaxing Hannah into saying yes to him instead of Nick is viscerally upsetting like lowkey feel like a producer should have stepped in,, this man is literally evil," a fan commented.
"The way Leo was love bombing and manipulating Hannah the day before he told her “This break up is mutual Brittany is meant for me” then begged Hannah to tell Brittany she wasn’t the second choice.. he will never see the pearly gates," a tweet read.
Love is Blind season 7 fans further said:
"Producers really shoulda vetted the h*ll outta narcissist Leo before letting him loose on #LoveIsBlind. The tantrum, gaslighting, manipulation with Hannah was twisted. Then switched to fake love bomb Brittany to stay on #LoveIsBlinds7 Absolute diabolical work!" a person wrote.
"Leo knows this will be on tv... yes? That shit he did with Hannah is truly a masterclass on how douche bags try to manipulate women all the damn time. They always think they're much smarter than they actually are," a fan commented.
Leo questions Hannah for breaking up with him in Love is Blind season 7
In Love is Blind season 7 episode 3, Hannah chose to continue her relationship with Nick and break up with Leo. She told the latter about her decision but Leo didn't handle the situation well. Leo asked Hannah if it was "too late" and whether her decision was "set in stone." He asked her to answer him.
The Love is Blind season 7 participant asked Hannah if a part of her felt she couldn't handle the "uncertainty" for another day. He continued saying that if she didn't, "maybe" he wasn't special enough" for her to be willing to do that. Leo added that he wasn't the one for her if that was the case.
Leo told the Love is Blind season 7 cast member he was "willing to tear" out his "f*cking hair out all day" to be with her. He mentioned that he felt Hannah picked her other connection, Nick, because she didn't know how she felt.
Fans of Love is Blind season 7 reacted to the conversation online and were critical of Leo's behavior towards Hannah.
Episodes 1—6 of Love is Blind season 7 are available to stream on Netflix.