In a recent interview with The New Yorker, Padma Lakshmi, the former Top Chef host, opened up about the public scrutiny that happened when she was pregnant in 2009 with her daughter Krishna. Lakshmi has revealed that her daughter's paternity was questioned too, and the entire situation "mortified" her.
The 53-year-old author and TV host said,
"It was just about as horrible as is possible to be."
Lakshmi herself didn't know who was the father of the child, during the pregnancy, until she did a paternity test. On PEOPLE's parenting podcast Me Becoming Mom, Lakshmi, three years back, revealed that it was uncomfortable to read such news on a daily basis.
Former Top Chef host Padma Lakshmi reveals how difficult it was to deal with all the scrutiny she faced when she was pregnant
Padma Lakshmi, the famous TV host and author, had her daughter, Krishna back in 2010. However, the entire pregnancy period wasn't a smooth one for her. While talking to The New Yorker, Lakshmi talks about the headlines about the father of her child back then.
She recalled her horrible experience during that time and said,
"I mean, talk about sl*t shaming."
In the parenting podcast, she revealed that she was "between relationships" during that time, thus didn't know who the father was until the paternity test was done. Now, however, Padma Lakshmi has revealed that with her work and motherhood, she barely has time for carrying on a romantic relationship.
The 53-year-old host then found out that Krishna was the daughter of venture capitalist Adam Dell. The public didn't know that they were dating at that time, as she chose not to talk about him previously. Lakshmi spoke about the entire scenario in her memoir, Love, Loss and What We Ate, released in 2016.
It is further known that she has been diagnosed with endometriosis, and was told that she could never conceive naturally. Hence, the pregnancy reportedly came as a surprise to the TV host. In the interview, Padma added that she liked keeping her life low-key, after her divorce from novelist Salman Rushdie.
Padma Lakshmi opens up about her interest in comedy and gave insight into her personal life too
In the interview with The New Yorker, Padma Lakshmi talked about her interest in comedy, which is already known to many. About her love and interest in this genre, she said,
"What attracts me to comedy is the same thing that attracts me to men who are witty. It’s the matter of how you want to spend your time."
She further revealed that in high school, she chose to go by the name Angelique, since the name Padma was "too Indian." Lakshmi said,
"My poor mother was such a good sport about it, but I know it must have broken her heart—I was named after her mother, who passed away."
Talking about fame and what comes along with it, Padma revealed that she first experienced fame while hosting Domenica In. However, even a massive blow and invasion of privacy happened when the media was fascinated by her relationship with Rushdie and later their divorce.
According to Padma, the tabloids never wanted to focus on the fact that they really loved each other. The 53-year-old host spoke about her life when her memoir came out and said,
"I needed to give up even more of my privacy with the memoir in order to take my narrative back."
Recently, Padma Lakshmi could be seen posting some videos of cooking at home, where her daughter Krishna often takes part as well.