The popular reality show Love Is Blind is set to return for its eighth season, premiering on February 14, 2025, on Netflix. The show features a unique twist on dating, as it follows a group of single contestants who form connections in pods without seeing each other. This process could lead to engagements before the contestants meet face-to-face and potentially even marriage. Netflix has announced that the new season will take place in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Before the highly anticipated release of the upcoming season, the streaming platform announced the new group of singles who will be participating. The diverse cast includes real estate brokers, a hairstylist, a wine bar owner, and others. During the season 7 reunion, three contestants from season 8—Alex, Brittany, and Joey—were introduced, giving fans an early glimpse of what to expect.
Nick and Vanessa Lachey are set to return as hosts for this season and guide the contestants in the hope of meeting their soulmate in this unique social dating experiment.
Age and details of the cast in Love is Blind season 8
Netflix announced the Minnesota singles who are eager to find love in an official meet-the-cast video posted on Monday. Fans of the show expect to see if the new cast can sustain their romances and potentially move on to get engaged before seeing each other.
The Men
1) Alex (Age: 29)
Alex is a commercial real estate broker and a former high school music teacher who plays the guitar, piano, bass, drums, violin, and more. He is also known to snore, admitting:
"I can't help it, so please forgive me."
Alex says he is ready to end his dating days if he finds an adventurous and slightly nerdy woman who can overlook his music practice and snoring habits.
2) Adam (Age: 33)
Adam is a men's clothing brand owner and fashion director. He described losing hope in finding his match after years of swiping on dating apps. Adam admits everyone in his town finds someone at 22, and at his age, he finds it difficult, but he is ready to find his match on the show.
3) Andrew (Age: 27)
Andrew works as a realtor and is an intellectually curious person who loves exploring deep questions. A former Army helicopter mechanic, he enjoys dancing, values his faith highly, and would steer away from anyone asking him to compromise it. He is seeking someone open to deep talks and fun adventures.
3) Ben (Age: 28)
Ben is competitive in kickball and works as a developer. He's a team player who enjoys making others feel included. Ben is looking for a playful, competitive partner who matches his energy and is open to vulnerability in the pods.
4) Benji (Age: 26)
Benji is an entrepreneur and realtor who's been on the move for seven years. He's ready to settle down with someone who loves travel and adventure. His ideal partner is someone spontaneous yet organized and challenges him. Benji is 26, making him the youngest single to enter the season.
5) Brad (Age: 35)
Brad, a dentist from the Midwest, is looking for a kind, easygoing partner in the pods who's also a best friend. He states he's tired of the drama and wants to avoid mean behavior. Brad also loves dancing and once won $10,000 in a freestyle competition.
6) Brian (Age: 30)
Brian, a successful wine bar owner, is now focused on finding love and balancing his career. He says he values good hygiene in a partner and is looking for someone to share his wine and help him improve his work-life balance.
7) Daniel (Age: 30)
Daniel is a former Gerber baby model looking for a partner to build a family with. Inspired by his parents' long marriage, he values sensitivity and unconditional love. He's hoping to find a partner in the pods who accepts him fully.
8) David (Age: 33)
David works in medical device sales. He says a perfect match for him would be someone who shares his interests and social stamina but also keeps him curious. A woman who can handle his big family is a plus, but he states that any woman he finds must get his dad and sister's approval, the two most important people in his life.
9) Devin (Age: 29)
Devin, a sneakerhead and basketball coach, runs a training business to help kids reach their goals. He prefers staying in and says his ideal woman is someone who can share his love of cooking, music, and dancing.
10) Hugo (Age: 30)
Hugo works in marketing and is someone who loves spontaneous road trips and finds dating in Minneapolis boring. After four years of being single, he's ready to find someone who shares his adventurous spirit but also understands his need for alone time.
11) Joey (Age: 35)
Joey says he was a groomsman in 11 weddings last year, but now he looks to finally be the groom. He works as a physician associate, values healthy boundaries, and is looking for a family-oriented and empathetic woman. He says he is ready to say "I do" if he finds his perfect match in the pods.
12) Mason (Age: 33)
Mason is a cinematographer who says his biggest accomplishment is to earn a living in his desired career. The perfect woman for him is someone who shares his creative spirit, love for skating, and someone with a similar drive and passion.
13) Mo (Age: 35)
Mo was born in the Bronx, N.Y., and raised in Senegal before returning to America at 10. He works as a property manager and says his greatest achievement is being the first man in his family to graduate college. After a year and a half of single life, Mo is ready to find love. He is looking for someone trustworthy and who embraces his big heart.
14) Scott (Age: 34)
Scott works as a project manager and is known as a "golden retriever" by his family because he struggles to sit still and enjoys active dates. The perfect woman for him is someone well-read and can have a stimulating conversation with him.
15) Tom (Age: 38)
Tom was born in Brazil and brought up in Minnesota, where he works as a management consultant. He describes himself as a "fitness fanatic" dedicated to his health. He is excited about the unplugged dating experience but feels nervous about how quickly things could develop.
The Women
1) Amanda (Age: 43)
Amanda is a district retail manager and at 43, she is done with dating apps. Amanda hopes for a real-life meet cute with someone with who she can seek emotional connection and good communication. She values emotional maturity and a man who can express his feelings.
2) Ashley (Age: 28)
Ashley, a 28-year-old client success manager, is looking for a partner who embraces her excitement in life. Someone who is confident and enjoys simple moments like catching sunsets and snapping photos is perfect for her.
3) Brittany (Age: 35)
Brittany, a 35-year-old partnership executive, describes herself as a sports lover and successful businesswoman who has worked with the NBA, NFL, and MLB. She values someone with confidence and independence. She is looking for a man who can teach her new things and his own passions.
4) Cassandra (Age: 30)
Cassandra, a 30-year-old hairstylist is someone who values humor and vulnerability in a partner. Her friends come first, so any potential partner must get along with her "good group of girls."
5) Kylie (Age: 28)
28-year-old medical student Kylie is ready to find her husband and build a life together. She is someone whose faith is a core part of her life, and she seeks a partner who shares her religious values and traditions.
6) Lauren (Age: 31)
Lauren is a former teacher who now works in educational sales. She comes from a big Irish Catholic family and dreams of starting her own soon. She values emotional depth over appearances and is searching for a lasting connection and someone who shares her values.
7) Madison (Age: 28)
Madison is a 28-year-old artist looking for a partner who is creative and can either join her in the studio or ride on her motorcycle. A man who has emotional maturity and can match her energy would be a perfect match for her.
8) Meg (Age: 31)
Meg, a 31-year-old oncology nurse, is ready to prioritize love after two years of being single. She values deep connections and humor and is looking for someone who has both heart and humor and can take charge in the kitchen.
9) Molly (Age: 30)
Molly works as an executive assistant and describes herself as a self-made woman. She is looking for someone to share her home and celebrate Christmases together. Someone who hypes her up and isn't afraid to join her in life's challenges would be a perfect match.
10) Monica (Age: 28)
Monica works in digital marketing and seeks a partner who fits seamlessly into her close-knit tribe. After deleting dating apps, Monica hopes the pods will help her find a guy who accepts her quirky side and experimental cooking.
11) Sara (Age: 29)
Sara is a 29-year-old oncology nurse seeking a goal-oriented, optimistic man who appreciates her sense of humor. After a year of being single, she's ready to leave the small-town dating scene and find a genuine connection with someone.
12) Taylor (Age: 32)
Taylor is a colonoscopy nurse looking for a genuine, loyal, funny partner. After past relationships, she says she is ready to love fearlessly and wholeheartedly.
13) Tiera (Age: 34)
Tiera is a marketing strategist who has ditched dating apps and hopes to find her future husband who supports her career and shares her faith in the pods. She says she values her faith and won't compromise on it.
14) Vanessa (Age: 31)
Vanessa is a classically trained ballerina who now works as a media planner. She says she values openness over physical appearance and is ready to explore deep connections in the pods. Someone always up for trying new things would be a perfect match for her.
Netflix has renewed Love Is Blind through to season 10. Fans waiting for season 8 can catch the premiere on Valentine's Day February 14, 2025, with new episodes releasing weekly. All seasons of Love Is Blind are available to watch on Netflix.