The Boyfriend is a Japanese same-sex reality show that brings nine men from different backgrounds, under one roof. The show premiered on Netflix on July 9 and recently, on July 30, aired its final two episodes. The show is not just about finding love but also about making friendships and discovering oneself, in the process.
Fans of the show loved one of the show's contestants, Taeheon for his honesty and always being there for the other cast members. In the beginning, when he was asked about why he wanted to participate in the show, he said:
“I was hoping for a nice encounter. It’s very difficult to find a friend, let alone a best friend. Whether I find romance or not, I want to foster a strong connection with all of you.”
However, viewers expressed their disappointment on social media about him not being picked by anyone and walking out of the show single. One person wrote on X (formerly Twitter):
"No one’s gonna pick Taeheon? Are you kidding me? This face card?#TheBoyfriend #TheBoyfriendNetflix."
"Just finished watching The Boyfriend, I really feel empty after it :') There are no more daishun dramas anymore, Taeheon can't be a place to vent anymore," one fan commented
The fans said that they were not happy about Taeheon not getting enough screen time on the show.
"Another episode of the boyfriend where taeheon is completely ignored," another person said.
"didnt gts im finishing the boyfriend and this show pisses me off. taeheon was no screen time, shun and dai are cute but i couldn’t be dai in this situation bc the way shun acts i woulda been crashed out. i miss usak, him and kazuto could’ve been the otp. its just all bad," one fan wrote.
"Guys, what are these b***t from The Boyfriend thinking? WHY NOBODY, absolutely NOBODY chooses taeheon? Like PEOPLE, HE'S A DELICIOUS YOU KNOW, BUSINESSMAN STILL, I'm pissed, that's enough," another person wrote.
Netizens further commented that he was one of the good-looking contestants on the show and were confused as to why other members didn't pick him.
"outraged that taeheon (my boyfriend's top 3 most beautiful) ended the reality show alone. Come here, love!," one fan commented.
"watching the boyfriend on netflix and taeheon is so hot... like physically and personality wise i don't understand how none of them are down bad for him," another person said.
Taeheon's last confession in The Boyfriend
The finale episode featured Taeheon engaging in conversation with all the other contestants. Even though he did not find love in the show, he expressed gratitude that he found friends and emotional connections. His intention to be a part of this project was to be able to tell his parents the truth about him being gay. He continued saying:
"When I shared this with you, I think I found my answer, during the conversation we had. Now that I have eight new friends, I'll be able to go home, see my family and tell them the truth."
He keeps looking down because he says looking at them will make him cry. Seeing him confess, all the other contestants feel emotional and some of them cry too. He expressed gratitude for their support and said he would try to stay in touch after the show ends.
Catch all the episodes of The Boyfriend now streaming on Netflix