Love is Blind UK aired episodes 5-9 on Wednesday, August 14, 2024. During the segment, the couples continued on their journeys as they got to know each other and the rest of the cast better. As part of the honeymoon phase, they came face-to-face with most of the participants and for some of them, it was more complicated than the rest.
Ollie and Catherine, who shared a connection in the pods but got engaged to Demi and Freddie respectively met in person and cleared the air. However, their conversation made Demi uncomfortable, which didn't sit well with her friend and co-star Jasmine. Worried about her friend, Jasmine spoke to Ollie about his and Demi's communication, however, fans didn't think it was "her place."
The audience took to social media to discuss Jasmine confronting Ollie and criticized her online. One person wrote on X:
"Idk how to feel about that Jasmine convo w Ollie. I get her intentions but it was quite aggressive and lowkey not her place. Also don’t know why she dropped in “Demi is an insecure girl” you could have just said reassure her without that. #LoveIsBlindUK"
"Ok Nevamind like I f—ks with Jasmine but her getting into Demi and Ollie's relationship bothers me. Like calling her insecure and that he needs to reassure her when he actually has. Unless demi stated otherwise, Jasmine should have kept quiet #LoveIsBlindUK #LoveIsBlind," a fan commented.
"My like for Jasmine has taken a plunge. She has a bulldozer personality. Her approach towards Ollie & Demi’s situation was terrible, and unnecessary. I don’t think Bobby is gonna survive well with her. #LoveIsBlindUK," a tweet read.
Some Love is Blind UK fans praised her and said she could see "through Ollie":
"Jasmine can see through Ollie, she KNOWS that he's having second thoughts about Demi. She can see it, and that is why it's getting under his skin so much. #loveisblinduk," a person wrote.
"If Jasmine wrote a book, "How to Clock Men on their Bullshit" I would buy 15 copies. She saw right through Sam and now Ollie #LoveIsBlindUK," a fan commented.
"Jasmine is so mature, i love how she is calling out Ollie, Jasmine is asking Ollie valid questions. This man doesn't want to be with Demi, he settled and saw her type "Cat" now he doesn't know what to do with himself #LoveIsBlindUK," a tweet read.
After watching all five episodes, fans saw a similarity in Jasmine's behavior towards Ollie and how Jasmine's mother treated Bobby:
"Seeing how Jasmine’s mum spoke to her and Bobby and interrogated him explains why she spoke to Ollie that way. Growing up with a distrusting mother like that isn’t easy!! #LoveIsBlindUK," a person wrote.
"Seeing Jasmine’s mom and her earlier scene interrogating Ollie makes so much more sense now. Sheesh. Intense is not strong enough #LoveIsBlindUK," a fan commented.
"She needed that reassurance": Love is Blind UK star Jasmine confronts Ollie
In Love is Blind UK episode 6, Jasmine joined Bobby and Ollie as they discussed the events of the previous episode and Ollie and Catherine's conversation. Jasmine recalled the cast member pulling Bobby aside for a conversation when he should have spoken to his fiancée first.
"She's a great girl, right. She's got some insecurities there. The way I'm seeing her now, she's not the Demi that I knew. I just felt like she needed that reassurance," Jasmine said.
Ollie told the Love is Blind UK couple that while he didn't mean to disrespect either Bobby or Jasmine, he felt "overwhelmed" by the conversation. He added that he only wanted to speak to Demi at the time.
Jasmine asked the Love is Blind UK participant, to be honest, and asked where his "head" was. When Ollie said he couldn't have a conversation with her, she asked him "Why?" and asked if he liked Demi or not. He said he did but Jasmine asked him again.
The male cast member started getting agitated and said it was putting "more pressure" on the situation and asked why she was "coming at" him.
Watching the episode back, Love is Blind UK fans were divided by Jasmine's behavior. While some felt she overstepped, others felt she was a good friend for looking out for Demi.
Episodes 1-9 of Love is Blind UK are available to stream on Netflix.