The Mole season 2 aired episodes 6 to 8 last week on Friday, July 5, 2024. During the segment, Neesh faced a lot of backlash from his co-competitors for bidding the entire prize pot to win an exemption. His angry cast members said several things, as they were shocked to find out it was Neesh, however, one contestant was angrier than the rest and called him a "d**k."
Hannah Burns, who previously spent a big chunk of the prize fund for an exemption card herself, slammed the cast member and noted that he didn't contribute to the tasks much, and always talked over people.
Fans of the show took to social media to react to the heated exchange between the two players and criticized Hannah for yelling at Neesh. One person wrote:
"#TheMole Hannah coming for Neesh is the richest thing I've ever seen. Did she forget what she did?!"
"Hannah got some nerve coming at Neesh for what he did like the North doesn’t remember her doing the same thing with Tony and didn’t care about losing money. She can have several seats. #TheMoleNetflix #TheMole," a fan commented.
"Why is Hannah so infuriated with Neesh for clearing the pot, when she literally did exactly the same thing? I can understand the others being dirty, but Hannah??#TheMoleNetflix #TheMole," a viewer commented.
The Mole season 2 fans claimed Hannah was willing to do the same thing Neesh did at the beginning of the show when she and Tony went head-on for the first exemption of the season:
"I’m sorry but who put Hannah in charge? Why is she berating Neesh and getting personal when attacking him cos he paid 60k for the exception? Is everyone forgetting she was willing to run the pot to zero for the exception? #TheMoleNetflix #TheMole," a person wrote.
"Hannah has some nerve talking to Neesh like that after what she and Tony pulled. Most of these people are mad it wasn't them. #TheMole," a fan commented.
"#TheMole why is Hannah so concerned about Neesh emptying the pot when she took 40K out just to get her way? Lolol," a viewer mentioned.
Several The Mole season 2 fans praised Hannah for calling Neesh out:
"I dont like Hannah but she ATE when she told Neesh that all he did was boss people around and be a d**k #TheMoleNetflix," a fan commented.
"Ok Hannah is growing on me!! iconic sending her showmance home and calling at Neesh. #TheMoleNetflix," a person wrote.
Hannah and other cast members slam Neesh in The Mole season 2 episode 6
In The Mole season 2 episode 6, the cast found out Neesh bid the total prize fund amounting to $59,500 for an exemption card. While the cast was already angry to find out that the entire pot was lost, they were enraged when it was revealed that Neesh was responsible.
Everyone expressed their anger and Hannah asked him if he was "literally dumb". In response, Neesh said he was a little dumb and Muna added that he was "completely dumb."
Hannah reminded The Mole player that he bid "every single dollar" they had and Quaylyn said Neesh's decision "cut" him. Deana told the contestant in question that it didn't matter what he said. Quaylyn said in a confessional that he was shocked and didn't think the season 2 contestant could do that.
Neesh explained in a confessional that he had been "pretty unselfish" so far in the game and that he was almost eliminated in the first mission itself. He added that "everyone else played selfishly" during the shipping crate mission.
"So then, bye, money. This exemption is mine," Neesh added.
As Muna and Michael further slammed The Mole season 2 contestant, Hannah also jumped in. She said they had been in the game for "weeks." She added that they had put their "blood, sweat, and tears" into the missions. When Neesh argued that so had he, she said:
"You haven't! All you've done is boss people around, talk over people... Shut up!"
Although the cast member survived the following elimination process, he was eliminated in episode 8 after getting the most answers wrong on the quiz. Watching the episodes back, fans of the show reacted to the heated exchange online and a majority slammed Hannah for her behavior. However, others defended her.
The Mole season 2 will air episodes 9 and 10 on Friday, July 12, 2024, on Netflix, during which, fans will find out who the saboteur is.