The Real Housewives of New York City season 15 aired episode 16, Reunion Part 1, hosted by Andy Cohen, on Tuesday, January 28, 2025. The segment started with the cast entering the sets one by one, and the first one was Jenna Lyons.
Upon seeing her attire, Andy Cohen exclaimed "No." He told her she was changing the game and said her wearing a robe to the reunion was not on his "bingo card." Fans of the Bravo reality show commented on Jenna's attire online and criticized her for it.
"RHONY REUNION..... WTF is Jenna wearing?? It's NOT a momment ...It's ridiculously ugly & stupid ... it's disrespectful and offensive. $7,000 for an ugly robe?" one person wrote on X.
"I’m sorry but Jenna and this robe look is a chop for me," a fan commented.
"It's Andy Cohen trying to make Jenna Lyons robe an iconic fashion moment in housewives reunion history. It's not," a tweet read.
Fans of The Real Housewives of New York City season 15 commented on Jenna wanting to return to robe after the reunion special.
"Ok, Jenna… ARE you having money problems? Should we be concerned? Cuz why would you be returning a $1,500 dress? Give it to #Bravocon and stop playing!" a person wrote.
"Jenna talking about returning the reunion robe. Girl is never beating the broke allegations," a fan commented.
"Jenna Lyons do not fulfill the prophecy KEEP THE BALENCIAGA ROBE," a tweet read.
Fans of The Real Housewives of New York City season 15 further said:
"Is this a bold and innovative look for a reunion? Absolutely. Am I gagging over it? Not really. Thoughts on Jenna’s bathrobe dress for #rhony," a person wrote.
"Jenna showing up in a robe is ghetto white trash. There’s nothing glamorous about it. Someone has to say it," a fan commented.
"I had to go someplace from jeans"— Jenna Lyons explains wearing a robe to The Real Housewives of New York City season 15 reunion
The Real Housewives of New York City season 15 aired episode 16 this week on January 28, 2025. Once the cameras started rolling, Andy Cohen welcomed the viewers watching the episode and greeted the cast members individually.
While speaking to Jenna Lyons, he commented on her reunion outfit and said he didn't know where to begin.
"I had to go someplace from jeans, I didn't know where to go," she said as she recalled wearing jeans during the season 14 reunion.
Andy further asked her about the sunglasses, and she said those would come off, and it was for the "moment." Brynn Whitfield, who was seated next to her told her to take off the robe as well as a joke.
During The Real Housewives of New York City season 15 reunion episode, Andy Cohen further praised Jenna's attire and said they needed the robe at BravoCon, and asked if she could save it.
"I was gonna return it," she said.
The Real Housewives of New York City season 15 cast member stated it was "so expensive", and revealed the Balenciaga robe cost $1500. Brynn chimed in on the robe's price and said it wasn't that much, as compared to her $7000 dress.
While Andy Cohen praised Jenna Lyons's outfit during the segment, fans online felt otherwise and took to social media to criticize it.
Tune in on February 4, 2025, to watch part 2 of The Real Housewives of New York City season 15's reunion on Bravo.