The Traitors UK season 3 aired its season finale this week on Friday, Saturday 24, 2025. The episode saw the finalists — Alexander, Charlotte, Frankie, Leanne, and Jake compete to become the winners of the show. However, the host introduced another twist due to which the banished cast members did not have to reveal whether they were faithful or traitors.
Leanne and Jake became the winners of the show and since they were both Faithfuls, they evenly split the prize fund and took home £47,300 each. Fans of the reality show commented on the winners and were upset by Leanne's victory. One person wrote on X:
"Leanne winning the traitors has ruined my 2025. Not a single correct theory, just defensiveness and attitude."
"leanne taking the win after doing nothing but be passive aggressive and accusing everyone, then taking it personally when anyone accuses her…" a fan commented.
"Because she’s a complete narcissist," a tweet read.
Fans of The Traitors UK season 3 called Leanne the "most undeserving" winner:
"None of these faithful were genuine people to eachother, they were money hungry from the start and Leanne is the most undeserving faithful winner the show has ever had. Not to mention a hot head. Hopefully next year people will be kinder to each other," a person wrote.
"Yeah I thought it was quite nasty at times especially Leanne. The first series was great really a refreshing change. But unfortunately it has now turned into just there for the fame and fortune," a fan commented.
"Leanne is so unbelievably self centred, even at the end saying to Jake - ‘you better not let ME down’. Also she hated Alexander because he was a hell of a lot nicer and smarter than her," a tweet read.
Fans of The Traitors UK season 3 further said:
"Literally the most anticlimactic ending ever! Leanne is a traitor to all women & Jake is a greedy sod. Alexander is the people's Faithful...forever and always! Love to you too Frankie...the people's Mum," a person wrote.
"Wow we finally have a new worsts winner of the traitors UK," a fan commented.
What happened in the season finale of The Traitors UK season 3?
The season finale of The Traitors UK started with one final twist as Claudia Winkleman revealed that those who were going to be eliminated in the episode did not have to reveal their true identities. This meant the remaining contestants would not find out whether they voted out a faithful or a traitor until after the show ended.
Frankie, who became The Seer, discovered that Charlotte was one of the traitors. However, the two recalled the incidents of their meeting at the breakfast table. Charlotte tried to confuse the contestants by telling Leanne and Alexander that Frankie was a traitor. However, Leanne wasn't convinced and recalled Freddie previously voting for her.
During the final challenge of The Traitors UK season 3, Charlotte directed Jake and Leanne as they hung from a helicopter and dropped bags of money in a ring of fire. Frankie and Alexander went next, while Charlotte continued in her role and secured one more bag of money.
At the roundtable, Charlotte was banished from The Traitors UK season 3. The remaining contestants had the choice to end the game or continue banishing contestants. They unanimously decided to continue the game and Alexander was voted out next.
Frankie was voted out in the next round, leaving Leanne and Jake in the game. Since they were both faithful, they became the winners of the show and divided the prize fund of £94,600.
Fans of the reality show commented on the show's winners online and called the finale an "anticlimactic ending."
Episodes of The Traitors UK season 3 are available to stream on BBC iPlayer.