Selling Sunset actress Bre Tiesi broke the news to her co-star Chelsea Lazkani that her now estranged husband, Jeff Lazkani, was spotted making out with another woman. In a new sneak peek clip of Selling Sunset Season 8 shared by Netflix on Wednesday, September 4, Tiesi delivers the heartbreaking bomb to her frenemy.
While they were sitting at a bar, the reality TV star said:
"A friend I've known for a couple of years, Amanda, asked to go to lunch. She told me that her friend, who she's still very close with and sees, lives at the W Hotel in Hollywood and that he saw your husband with some girl."
Bre Tiesi then revealed that her friend provided some "receipts" to support the claim during their lunch. And when the visibly shocked Lazkani inquired about the messages, Tiesi dropped the bomb, saying:
"It said that he saw them making out in the lobby."
However, that's not all because Tiesi added that her friend's friend had seen Jeff and the other girl multiple times. Chelsea Lazkani then asked her co-star if she trusted her friend, to which Tiesi said yes but that she wouldn't say they were best friends.
Bre Tiesi says she wanted to come to her co-star about the affair "woman to woman"
Although Bre Tiesi has had some disagreements in the past with her Selling Sunset co-star, she feels compelled to tell Chelsea Lazkani what she knows. She revealed that she took this from her own experience and believed that it was the right thing to tell Lazkani about the information. After dropping the bomb about the alleged affair, she told her co-star:
"I just wanted to come to you woman to woman because I've been there. I was married, my husband was doing the same thing with multiple women."
Tiesi is referring to her former husband, ex-NFL player Johnny Manziel, whom she divorced in 2021. However, they've been estranged since March 2019, a year after they married. Bre Tiesi had accused the former football star of cheating on her in a cryptic Instagram comment.
In the Selling Sunset season 8 teaser, Tiesi told Lazkani that she knows the other girl doesn't necessarily care for her, but she doesn't wish to have her co-star or anyone get cheated on. She reiterated that she had the same experience, and, "it's awful," she said. And because the information about the alleged affair was brought up, she thinks that Lazkani "has the right to know" about it.
While Lazkani has filed to divorce her estranged husband in March, the news about his affair had visibly shaken her. She was seen sipping her drink with tears in her eyes as the show's teaser clip ends.
Chelsea and Jeff Lazkani had been married for nearly seven years and had two kids together. She listed "irreconcilable differences" as the reason why she's ending their marriage in the divorce filing.