The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City season 5 premiered on Wednesday, September 18, 2024. The series brought back Lisa Barlow, Heather Gay, Angie Katsanevas, Meredith Marks, Whitney Rose, and Mary Cosby. The Bravo show also introduced Browyn Neport as a full-time cast member.
The segment showcased the first event of the season, Lisa Barlow's Besos party during which, Lisa and Whitney got into an argument over the latter's appearance on The Viall Files podcast. At the time, Whitney had told Nick Viall, the podcast host that Lisa had "always been the villain" and didn't care about anything other than being "right."
The argument in season 5 episode 1 escalated and resulted in Lisa Bawlow smashing a glass on the floor and asking Whitney to leave. Fans commented on the argument online. Some supported Lisa while others supported Whitney. One person wrote on X:
"Says every liar ever...but #itsalot #RHOSLC Lisa currently twisting it back on Whitney is classic narcissistic behavior. So insane."
Love Whitney. "F*** you Lisa Barlow." LOOOOVE IT," a fan commented.
"Whitney has got me in stitches “You wanna meet the healed Whitney? F*ck you Lisa Barlow” how f*cking FUNNY," a tweet read.
The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City fans who supported Lisa said:
"Whitney called her a villain she didnt give her "experience" she made a statement about Lisa. Whitney's healing journey is BS you don't run your mouth negatively when you're supposedly on a positive healing journey........she hasn't had trauma informed care clearly," a person wrote.
"Lisa threw the season premiere group event (that was strong enough to sustain an entire episode), brought on a great newbie, orchestrated a Whitney takedown…she even threw a drink. Baby Gorgeous said season 5 will top last year, ok!" a fan commented.
"Just finished the premiere and these are my main girls for a reason, that was a 10/10. I have a confession: Lisa kinda gagged me! The way she immediately clocked Angie K for talking behind her back, clowned Whitney for her "healing journey" and threw that glass!? Whew," a tweet read.
The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City season 5 fans further said:
"Lisa was doing way too much, but Whitney was just waiting for an opportunity to claim being a victim. No one was weaponizing her trauma against her, but ok, she is always spinning..." a person wrote.
"Everyone ganging up on Whitney like a bunch of hyenas….Lisa knew by inviting Whitney to her party she could lash out and make her narcissistic egotistical self feel better," a fan commented.
Whitney and Lisa clash in The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City season 5 episode 1
In The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City season 5 episode 1, titled, Costume or Couture? Whitney asked Lisa about her comments about Whitney's The Viall Files appearance. She asked the cast member what her problem was. Lisa said her problem was that her podcast appearance was more about Lisa than the cast member herself.
Whitney called The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City season 5 cast member "self-absorbed" and stated that's why Lisa thought it was about her.
"I think when you learn how to take care of yourself you understand that people that love themselves take care of themselves, that's part of self-love. With your healing journey, you'd think you'd know that by now," Lisa responded.
Lisa asked the RHOSLC star if she wanted to apologize and Whitney said she needed to know what offended her. Lisa said that if the cast member was going to lie about her, she should expect her to respond with the truth. Whitney said she wasn't a liar and the Bravo star said she went on a podcast and "bashed" her.
Lisa added that Whitney lied about her to "disparage" her character while Whitney said the cast member was upset she didn't speak "roses" about her. The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City star Whitney said it was her lived experience and called her a "narcissist" in a confessional.
The fight escalated and the two started screaming at one another. Lisa got upset and smashed a glass on the floor. As their argument ended, Whitney got into a fight with some of the other The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City stars before walking out.
Fans of the Bravo show commented on the situation online and picked sides.
RHOSLC season 5 will air episodes weekly on Wednesdays on Bravo.