Season 19 of Sister Wives aired a new episode on Sunday, December 1, 2024. In one episode segment, Kody sat down with Meri and Robyn to discuss finally paying off their Coyote Pass property. While each had a different plan for the plot, Meri wanted an appraisal before deciding what to do with it. However, Kody was not too keen on the idea.
He disapproved of her plan saying it was too much work. Kody worried that getting official appraisals and hiring lawyers would cost him money, which he did not wish to spend after all he had put into it.
Meanwhile, Meri pushed the idea of the appraisal because she wanted to look out for herself and ensure she was paid fairly. Their discussion soon ended without a resolution.
Meri was tentatively the sole owner of one section of the Coyote Pass property and the joint owner of another with Kody. She suggested the appraisal to discover whether selling her lots would be in her best interest. When Kody insisted otherwise, Meri said she would take legal action if need be.
Sister Wives fans took to X to comment on Kody's dismissal of the appraisal. They criticized him for not considering Meri's idea and believed he was trying to hide the real value of the land to benefit himself. Netizens were convinced Kody's antics would prevent Meri from getting her fair share.
"Kody so shifty with this appraisal," a fan wrote.
"Kody sounds like a crook. Of COURSE you get appraisals, you fool," another fan commented.
"A home appraisal costs about $400-500 more or less depending on location. So a land appraisal for 4 lots shouldn’t cost much more. Kody is trying to hide the real value," a netizen tweeted.
Many Sister Wives fans criticized Kody for dismissing the appraisal.
"The land needs an appraisal. If u all paid 1/4 each on the property. Why wouldn't it be sold & split 4 ways? Kody & Robyn now don't want 2 sell nor get an appraisal since its paid off & they own the most. There's Robyn's house that everyone put money n 2 purchase it," a user reacted.
"Kody is not interested in doing anything with the property because HE OWNS MOST OF IT. They cannot do anything without his approval. He is hoping they get tired of fighting and just give up their portions," a person commented.
"F**k your feelings, Kody, get the land appraised," another fan wrote.
"Oh you can bet Kody would be ok with getting it appraised if he thought he’d come out ahead," one user posted.
Other Sister Wives fans urged Meri to hire a lawyer and not trust Kody with the negotiations.
"I would not trust Robyn and Kody with property negotiations. Lawyer up Meri!" a person reacted.
"“An equal part of the property.” Yeah, get an attorney to do the paperwork, because Kody will scr*w you immediately," another netizen commented.
"He's making out like a bandit" — Sister Wives star Janelle comments on Kody's disinterest in getting an appraisal
During the meeting, Meri mentioned it would be "fair" for them to know what the property was worth before deciding whether to sell it or build on it. The idea of an appraisal bothered Kody who stressed over having to find a land appraiser. Hearing that, Meri replied:
"I'm sure they have those in Flagstaff."
In contrast, Robyn was on board with Meri's plan and wanted to ensure everyone got a fair share. When both Meri and Robyn pushed the idea, Kody felt cornered. Meanwhile, Janelle claimed Kody hesitated to get the appraisal because he wanted everyone to trust his decisions.
"I believe that Kody is resistant to getting an appraisal because he knows he's making out like a bandit now. He wants us to trust that he knows what he's talking about with the values of the property," she said.
While speaking to the cameras, Kody explained why he was against an appraisal. The Sister Wives cast member mentioned that the Coyote Pass property had turned into a "source of pain" for him so he did not want to invest more money into it or get it appraised. He added that he was not interested in doing anything because it would only elongate the process.
However, Meri stuck to her plan even though Kody was against it. The Sister Wives star explained that she had to look out for herself because she was no longer a part of Kody and Robyn's unit. She revealed that she would hire an attorney if needed because Kody had "a monopoly" on the property, which gave him the advantage in legal matters.
Despite the discussion, they failed to reach an agreement.
Sister Wives airs Sundays at 10 pm ET exclusively on TLC.